Chapter 8

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That night when you walked into the library to meet Tom as always, you couldn't wait to tell him what you did. You ran to him and sat down next to him.
T: "So excited to see me, huh?" He smirked.
You blushed.
Y/n: "I saw Daphne today and I took your advice."
He looked at you, surprised. His eyes were staring into yours as if he was trying to read you. He seemed very pleased.
T: "You did something to her...didn't you...?"
You nodded and smirked.
Y/n: "I used Imperius on her."
He kept staring at you. Suddenly his hand moved from the books on the table closer to your face. He tucked your hair behind your ear. You were completely frozen and your heart was almost jumping out of your chest.
T: "I'm proud of you, Y/n."
He continued looking into your eyes but then he suddenly went cold again as if he just remembered something.
T: "Let's get into work."
After few hours you started to feel really exhausted. It was time to go to sleep.
T: "You're tired. Let's go."
You looked at him in shock. He never wanted to go back to your dorms with you. He always either left first or let you go first so no one would see you two together. He returned all the books into the shelves and opened the door for you. He practically pushed you through the door and continued pushing you forward the whole way to the Slytherin common room. He didn't say anything. When you entered the room, you just looked at him and walked towards your dorm in silence. As you were about to come in, you felt someone standing behind you. It was Tom and he followed you towards your dorm. You leaned your back against the door, not knowing what to do. He got closer and propped his hands on the door frame. You were now trapped between his arms. His beautiful eyes looked down at your lips and your legs started shaking. He got even closer, you could feel his warm breath on your skin and his lips were almost touching yours. If you lifted up your chin just a little bit you could taste them but you were completely paralyzed every time this man got closer to you. You closed your eyes, waiting for it to finally happen but Tom just whispered "Good night, Y/n.", pulled away and walked to his dorm. He was so confusing. Was it a manipulation or just him fighting his own feelings? The only thing you knew for certain was that you were in love and wanted to be with him. You could never love someone else. It was just you and Tom forever and you believed that, until things took an unexpected turn.
Due to your night-time lessons with Tom you started forgetting homework and often got a detention. One day, you came late to dinner because of it and when you wanted to sit down in your spot next to Draco, you realized it was already taken. There was a boy with dark curly hair sitting there, facing away from you.
Y/n: "Hey guys- uhm...who is this?"
The boy looked at you. He was really handsome.
M: "Mattheo Riddle. So pleased to meet you."
It was a shock to see him there. Why haven't Tom told you that his younger brother will come to Hogwarts? You hesitated for a moment but then you shook his hand.
Y/n: "Hi Mattheo, I'm Y/n Y/l/n and you're in my seat." you retorted.
He looked at you with his arms folded.
M: "So?"
Y/n: "So move over."
The silence was too loud at this point. He was looking at you, surprised, and everyone else sitting there seemed to enjoy this as if it was some kind of a show.
M: "Not until I hear the magic word."
Y/n: "Huh...Avada Kedavra?"
His brown eyes widened with amusement.
M: "Bold of you to say that out loud... Alright."
He finally moved over so there was enough space for both of you. You sat down next to him and your eyes automatically strayed towards Tom, who was sitting alone further away from you. His eyes were burning holes into yours and you realized you were in big trouble.

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