Chapter 13

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It was hard to go to classes and to try to live a normal life again after everything that's happened. Being without Tom felt like a piece of you was missing and wherever you went, whatever you did, you still felt the void. He was alone once again. You spent your time with friends but you felt alone too. Sometimes you met his gaze in the Great Hall or in the hallways. For few days it seemed like he understood why you did what you did but then he suddenly changed his mind. One evening you were at the Astronomy Tower smoking with Theo and Blaise. When you decided to go to sleep and walked down the stairs, Tom was standing there. He grabbed your wrist.
Y/n: "Let me go, Tom! Please..."
T: "I won't, Y/n. You have to understand. We were meant to be something more and you can't run away from it."
Y/n: "Watch me."
You pulled out your wand.
Y/n: "Imperio"
You made Tom release your hand and then just stand there so you could escape. You ran down the stairs and through the castle. You bumped into someone and that person stopped you by pulling you close. You didn't have to look up at his face to know who it was. His scent was enough for you to know it was Mattheo.
M: "Hey...hey, who are you running from?"
Y/n: "Why do you always have to ask such stupid questions, Mattheo, when you already know the answer?"
M: "You really do have an attitude...Come on, let's get you to safety. I will protect you."
Y/n: *whispering* "I'd like to see that."
M: "Did you say anything?"
Y/n: "No..."
You walked through the Slytherin common room.
Y/n: "Mattheo, where are we going?"
M: "To my dorm"
That wasn't a good idea and you knew it but you were too disturbed by talking to Tom, to be alone. You went inside and closed the door.
M: "Make yourself at home"
You sat down on his bed and he took a chair that was at his desk.
M: "Y/n...I know we haven't spent much time alone but when we did I enjoyed it. I want to do it more often if that's okay with you."
Y/n: "Sure..."
M: "Wanna go somewhere after dinner tomorrow? We could go to the Black Lake...I can take a bottle and we can get drunk...What do you say?"
Y/n: "You really can't have fun without alcohol, can you?"
M: "Oh, c'mon, you know that's not true. I just thought maybe you could use some. You loosen up."
Y/n: "I guess you're right. I should have some fun....Okay then. I'm in."
You could see how happy he was. He smiled at you and you couldn't help but smile back at him.
Y/n: "I'm gonna go now. See you..."
When you got to your room and went to sleep, you couldn't stop thinking about his smile and his brown eyes...You were excited to be alone with him even though you kept telling yourself you shouldn't. Everything was already too complicated but how could you push him away when he seemed like the only thing that was making you happy?
The next day dragged on. It felt like it was never going to end. Everytime you saw Mattheo, he smiled at you so widely you just prayed no one would notice. When the evening came, you quickly ate your dinner and ran to your dorm to put on some warm clothes. Mattheo picked you up and you started walking towards the lake. He unzipped his jacket and showed you the bottle he had hidden there.
Y/n: "Oh, no, I shouldn't have agreed to this" You laughed.
M: "No turning back now..."
' turning back now' you thought to yourself as you took a gulp and looked at Mattheo. He was lighting up a cigarette and your heart started beating suspiciously quickly.

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