Chapter 17

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After your conversation with Mattheo, you didn't know what to say or do. He hugged you and you stayed like that for some time, just holding each other, knowing how serious the situation really was.
M: "You should get some sleep" He said and kissed your forehead. You went to your dorm, took a shower to calm down a bit and went to sleep. You didn't know how to handle this. You felt like you were supposed to make your decision right here, right now. You felt like you should choose your side. But it was so hard when you knew it wouldn't be only side that you would be choosing. It meant saying goodbye to one of the two people you have been the closest with and maybe even to some of your friends. You knew Mattheo was willing to stay in Hogwarts and fight against his father. He didn't have to say anything to you, you just saw it in his eyes. As you laid there in your bed, you remembered what you used to do when you couldn't sleep. You put on a warm sweater, jacket and boots and headed out. You walked along the corridors, slowly and quietly. It wasn't safe at all but for some reason you weren't scared. You remembered you were powerful. Tom taught you many things and you were capable of defending yourself very well. You turned the corner and saw a dark silhouette at the end of the hallway. You stood there, hidden in a shadow, waiting for what was going to happen. The person started walking towards you, they were wearing a black cape and you recognised the walk instantly. He walked past you as if you weren't there. You watched him walk away. At last minute you decided to make a move and called out to him with despair.
Y/n: "Tom!"
He stopped and waited before he turned around and slowly walked to you. He was looking at you with his usual cold expression. He was waiting for you to speak but you didn't know how to start. You were so scared of him, of his anger towards you.
Y/n: "Please..."
Nothing. No response. And then...he pinned you against the wall and started kissing you. His kisses were deep and passionate, it seemed like the world stopped revolving. His hand was on your neck, the other one caressing your waist. He was making sure to keep you in place. Then he pulled away and left without even looking at you. You broke down crying. You didn't even know if the tears you cried were tears of happiness or pain. Your feelings were all over the place. You couldn't help but wonder 'Was it a kiss goodbye or something else?' Suddenly your thoughts got interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Two men, wearing the same black capes as Tom, were standing in front of you. One of them took off his hood and his white hair peeked out.
D: "Y/n? What are you doing here? And...why are you crying?"
The other man spoke out. You recognised his voice immediately. It was Snape.
S: "Draco, take Y/n to her dorm."
Draco put his arm around your shoulders and started leading you back to the Slytherin dormitory.
Y/n: "What was he doing there with you?"
D: "He's a Death Eater, Y/n."
Y/n: "What is this all about? I saw Tom..."
D: "I can't talk about it much. I'll tell you something when we get to your room."
Once you were behind locked door, sitting on your bed in your dorm, Draco decided to speak.
D: "Y/n...I never wanted this for you but...You probably know what I'm about to tell you now."
Draco paused and looked at you, hoping you understood.
Y/n: "I know, Draco. I'm gonna have to decide."
He was trying so hard to keep it together. You saw how difficult it all was for him. He was strong and you admired him so much. He sighed before he started talking again.
D: "Just know that...if you choose our side, I'll be there for you. I will help you in any way I can and I will try to protect you."
Then he just stood up and left your room. You were alone with your thoughts once again.

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