Chapter 12

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You dashed into the Slytherin common room and ran through it towards your dorm. Pansy and Draco were sitting there on a sofa and as they noticed how disturbed you looked, they immediately followed you into your room. You curled up on the bed and broke down completely. Pansy sat down next to you and tried to comfort you but Draco just stood there, not knowing what to do or say. After you stopped sobbing, you looked at them.
Y/n: "I love him too much..."
And then the tears started running down your cheeks again. Pansy held you and Draco sat down on the bed.
D: "I could just go and kill him right now."
P: "Draco, that's not funny."
D: "I wasn't joking..."
You looked at him through the tears.
Y/n: "Please...don't hurt him. I don't want you to mess with this."
Draco nodded. The three of you stayed silent for a moment. When there were no tears left to cry, you finally felt the comfortable numbness. You told them they could leave and you would go to sleep. They both agreed to go but before they left, they asked you.
P: "Is there anything we can do for you?"
D: "Y/n, are you gonna be alright?"
You looked at them and tried to think of an answer.
Y/n: "I'm gonna be alright. I just...I just wish I'd never seen those eyes."
Once you were alone you finally calmed down. Everything that's happened that day, started running through your head. The reason why you felt so euphoric for the past few days seemed so clear to you now. It was because Tom was like your drug and you decided to end it before it could end you. It was one of the hardest decisions in your life but you had to do it for the sake of you. You took a shower and went to sleep. It was early but you were so exhausted, you fell asleep at once. You got woken up by a knock on the door. Your heart was racing as you stood up and slowly walked to the door. A sigh of relief escaped your lips when you opened it and saw who was standing there.
Y/n: "Come in..."
Mattheo walked in and closed the door. You went back to bed and he followed you. He sat down next to you and gazed at you for a moment before speaking out.
M: "Y/n, I heard something happened but Pansy and Draco didn't want to tell me. So...what's the matter with you?"
Y/n: "I think...It's over. I mean...Tom and me..."
M: "Shit...You know I can't say I'm sorry that it happened but...I hate to see you hurt. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
Y/n: "No...I don't think so...And you shouldn't be here-"
The door flew open. Tom stood there, staring at you two, looking like he's about to explode with hatred. He swiftly pulled out his wand and pointed it at Mattheo.
T: "Get out."
Y/n: "Tom...put the wand down."
T: "You're lucky you're my brother otherwise I would have gotten rid of you at once."
Mattheo stood up. Tom was still pointing the wand at him meanwhile you were just sitting on the bed, trying to keep calm.
M: "You're unbelievable. Do you really think you can just take everything by force? Even Y/n?"
Mattheo glanced at you. You looked into his eyes pleadingly.
Y/n: "Mattheo..." You shook your head to let him know he shouldn't provoke Tom anymore.
Y/n: "Mattheo, I need to talk to Tom. Can you, please, go...I'll see you tomorrow."
Mattheo nodded, gave Tom a death stare and left. When the door closed, Tom immediately locked it behind him and headed towards the bed where you were sitting. He streched out his hands to grab you but you swiftly moved aside.
Y/n: "Don't touch me, Tom."
You weren't terrified of him. You were terrified of your feelings for him. You needed to stay strong and his touch would break you. Now you were sitting in opposite corners of the bed, looking into each other's eyes and he spoke to you in soft voice.
T: "I don't understand. What happened, Y/n? You know I only wanted the best for you."
Y/n: "Don't play these games with me, Tom. I know you too well. Stop pretending."
As you said it, his expression changed back to his usual cold one. His eyes darkened.
Y/n: "There you are. Mattheo was right. You can't take me by force. You can't manipulate me anymore. You wanted the best for me...How can you even say that? You wanted me to become a killer, Tom. Is that your idea of what's 'best for me'?"
That caught him off guard. You saw he was speechless. He got up from the bed and walked around it towards you. You noticed his clenched jaw and the pain in his eyes. He wanted to get close to you but you stood up and ran into the corner of your room. You leaned your back against the wall, turned your face away and closed your eyes so you wouldn't have to meet his gaze. The last thing you saw were his hands reaching out for you but then you heard a slam of the door and when you opened your eyes, he was gone.

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