Chapter 18

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Classes and everything in Hogwarts continued normally but the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Professors wanted everyone to apply their minds more to defensive spells. DADA was the most important subject and your timetable extended. Lessons went on til evening almost every day. One afternoon, while you were eating lunch, professor McGonagall came up to Mattheo.
PM: "Mr. Riddle, professor Dumbledore wishes to speak to you after lunch. He will be waiting for you in his office."
M: "Shit..." Mattheo stated when she left.
Y/n: "I'll go with you, okay? Don't worry...It's gonna be fine. He can't just expel you. You've done nothing wrong."
You both finished your food and headed to Dumbledore's office. When you got there, Tom was just leaving. He looked at Mattheo with a stern look and walked off.
D: "Mattheo, come in. I have already talked to your brother..."
You didn't hear the rest because the door closed and you stayed alone in the hallway. You promised Mattheo to wait outside. All of a sudden Tom appeared in front of you. You realised he was probably waiting round the corner so he could talk to you once Mattheo was gone. He got really close to you, his body was almost touching yours. For a moment it looked like he was about to kiss you again but he just leaned forward and whispered in your ear.
T: "I am not leaving you."
And that was it. He walked away as he always did. You couldn't help but smile. Mattheo returned shortly after that.
Y/n: "So? What did he tell you?"
M: "I can stay in Hogwarts. He asked me about everything and I told him the truth. I told him I am willing to help in any way I can. I will fight."
Y/n: "That's good. And what about Tom?"
M: "He...he's also staying. There was a moment when I wanted to tell Dumbledore that Tom is a traitor but...I just couldn't. I don't even know why, Y/n."
Y/n: "It's okay, Mattheo. Don't be so hard on yourself. I am proud of you." You said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
That night you couldn't sleep again. You were sitting by the window, watching the candle flame on your bedside table move. It was your way of trying to keep your mind off things and relaxing. It usually helped but not this time. The clock was ticking. What if a war breaks out tomorrow? You could lose everything in a blink of an eye. You blew out the candle, left your dorm and knocked on Mattheo's door.
M: "Y/n? I thought you were sleeping."
Y/n: "Can I sleep here with you?"
You climbed up on the bed and he wrapped you in a blanket.
M: "Do you want to talk?"
Y/n: "No. I really don't want to talk. I want you, Mattheo."
Mattheo's eyes widened with desire. He felt it too. He also knew he could lose you in a day. He took your clothes off.
M: "What if this is our last night together" he said, eyeing your body as if he wanted to remember it forever.
Y/n: "Don't think about it."
That night he was so intense it actually felt like the world was ending tomorrow. The way he was able to make you feel was beyond words. His hand had to stay on your mouth practically all the time. After the fourth round you stopped counting. You never got much sleep with Mattheo but you also never regretted that. When you woke up, he was still sleeping. You were in the shower and a wave of sadness washed over you. At first you didn't understand it but then it all hit you. You have made your decision last night before leaving your room, you just didn't want to admit it to yourself. You walked out of the bathroom. Mattheo sat up on the bed and you sat in his lap. You looked at him and saw the sadness in his eyes. He knew in an instant. He brushed your hair out of your face and you gave him a slight smile.
M: "This was our last night...wasn't it..."
You looked up at him, not knowing what to say. He sighed.
M: "You know, Y/n, I can't even be mad at you. I think I knew it all along, I just wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. What hurts me the most is the fact that you are giving up your life and I can't do anything to make you change your mind."
Tears rolled down your cheeks when you heard the last sentence. How you wished it could all be different.
Y/n: "I am so sorry, Mattheo, but I have to do this. I can't go on this way."
M: "Don't cry...maybe we can still find a way to hook up...even during the war." He tried to make you laugh. You wiped your tears and smiled sadly.
Y/n: "You have no idea how hard this is for me, Mattheo. I am so scared."
M: "I know. I am too."
You kissed him. It was your way of telling him everything you were too scared to say out loud. The words: 'Goodbye, Mattheo. I love you but I love him more and differently and there's nothing I can do about it.' would cause only pain. You opened the door and smiled at him. He smiled back at you and let you walk away.
You sat down to eat your breakfast with Draco beside you. You met his gaze and nodded to let him know you have made your decision. He sighed and covered your hand with his for a moment. There was nothing else needed. It was all clear. You sat there in silence while the others joined you and started eating their breakfast. You looked at all your friends, knowing they all made their decisions too. Mattheo and Theo were staying. You, Draco, Pansy and Blaise decided otherwise. No one was talking, everybody knew.
That night, when you walked out of your room and headed out, you felt your heart beating faster then ever before. You knocked on Tom's door and waited. The door opened seemingly by itself and when you entered, the door closed and locked. Tom was sitting at his desk. You stopped in the middle of the room. When he saw you hesitating he stood up and slowly came closer. He furrowed his brows like always when he was trying to understand you. You stood on your tiptoes so you could look into his eyes better and then you slammed your lips on his. He was frozen in place. Then you did it again and his lips finally started moving against yours. His arms gripped you and held you so tight. You finally felt whole again. The wound in your heart healed. He tilted you head back so he could kiss you better. His kisses got harsher and his tongue slipped into your mouth. Your love for him was so great, you wished yours and his soul were one. He pressed his body against yours and pushed you gently towards the wall of his room. You leaned your back against the wall and when he pulled you close once again, you could feel his excitement.
T: "Have you finally come to your senses, Y/n?"
You started kissing him passionately but he gripped your jaw and made you pull away and look at him.
T: "I want to hear you say it."
You took a deep breath.
Y/n: "I left Mattheo-"
You wanted to continue but Tom covered your mouth.
T: "Don't ever talk about him! I hate that he got to feel you from the inside. I hate that he knows how you feel. You were supposed to be mine from the start, Y/n!"
Y/n: "Can you listen to me now? I left Mattheo because of you. I am giving up my friends and my life because of you. I want to be yours because there is no one like you, Tom. I can't live without you. I can't take back what I did but I am here now and I am begging for your forgiveness."
His hand that was now wrapped around your neck released you. He slid it into your hair and caressed you gently. It was at that moment you saw his expression change into something you never thought was possible. Tom Riddle was looking at you lovingly. It almost scared you when you realised it but then he picked you up and carried you to his bed. It was as if all of the broken pieces came together. He took off his clothes and you gasped. It wasn't only because of how beautiful he was but also because of the scars. There were so many scars all over his body. Your heart was breaking for him. You sit up on the bed but he pushed you down again. He started kissing your neck while his hand rolled up your nightgown.
T: "Get up and let me take it off."
You did as he said, he took your nightgown off and then he gripped you and pinned you to the bed again. He slowly stripped off your knickers and threw them on the chair by his desk. His hand was now tracing your skin. He was eyeing your whole body with an amazed expression.
T: "Wow...I can't believe I waited so long to see this."
His lips were all over your stomach and chest. You were shaking so much he had to grip your legs to keep them in place. He kissed up your neck until his eyes met yours again. You caressed his cheek and he slipped his hand between your legs and smirked.
T: "I feel you can't wait, Y/n. You have no idea what this does to me. I've been dreaming about this moment since the first time I saw you in that library."
His fingers were moving faster now. You moaned. He gripped your knee with his free hand and started pushing it higher.
T: "Stop tossing and open your legs."
You did as he said and he kissed you. He grabbed you legs, made you wrap them around him and then he took you. You felt him inside of you and couldn't almost cope with the happiness. Oh, how much you were in love. He was thrusting hard and it lasted so long you were almost begging for him to let you go. You watched his handsome face the whole time, he was like a God for you. You traced his face with your fingertips. His lips, nose, cheeks, that bulging vein on his neck. He didn't make much noises, he was panting but at the end he got close to your ear and you heard a few quiet moans. You were mesmerised by this whole situation. No one compared. It was only him from now on. No one else could occupy your mind, your heart, your body, your soul. This man was the man of your dreams and the best thing about it was that it actually was the truth. You saw him in your dreams even before you knew who he was and the same thing happened to him with you. It was a destiny. Once he got off you, you laid there carefully to keep his bed clean. He helped you get cleaned up and carried you into his bathroom. He left you there and when you came back to bed he started kissing you passionately. You both haven't said a word during this whole time but you saw how at ease he was. His cold look was gone now. He was happy. He caressed your body and kissed you everywhere before wrapping his arms around you. You both drifted off to sleep. That night you had a dream. Once again you found yourself lost in that labyrinth but this time you took Tom's hand and let him lead you out.
*Few days later*
You walked through the entrance gate with Tom by your side. You sqeezed his hand once you were standing in front of a large, black door. The door opened and you entered.
T: "Father, I want to introduce someone to you."
You were standing behind Tom. He gently pulled you closer to him so you could be right by his side. The Dark Lord gazed at you. He knew who you were.
V: "Y/n Y/l/n! I have been waiting for you." They exchanged glances and Tom nodded. He took you by your hand and rolled up your sleeve. You looked at him and saw he was now smiling proudly. You smiled back at him, held out your hand and closed your eyes.

The End ♡.

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