Chapter 7

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You walked down the stairs and towards the Slytherin common room. Draco was sitting there by the fire and looked at you with a concerned expression.
D: "You were with him, weren't you?"
You nodded and sat down next to him. He shook his head.
D: "You know I don't like the thought of him even looking at you. He's a monster, Y/n. You may not believe me when I say it but you will see it. Just wait."
You looked into the fire and sighed. The thing was that you knew. You didn't even have to see Tom hurting someone, you could feel the darkness. You felt it the first time when you saw him in your dream.
Y/n: "Draco...he's not forcing me to do anything. He's not hurting me."
D: "Yeah, not yet."
Draco stood up and started walking towards his dorm but then he turned around.
D: "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, Y/n."
You watched him walk away. He was right. But what were you supposed to do? You were pretty sure that even if you left Hogwarts you would see him in your dreams. He would find his way back to you anyway.
Every night you walked with Tom around the castle. Sometimes he was calm and you just talked, other times he was cold and cruel, dragging you through the hallways. You spent a lot of time in the Restricted Section where he would slowly reveal his true self to you. You talked about black magic and read books about it for hours. You were fascinated by it but that was nothing compared to his enthusiasm. He was good at it. Really good. He tried to teach you a few things and you let him but you knew very well it wasn't right. It was hard to hold back when he looked at you the way he did. He was evil. With each minute spent with him, you realised it more. The hardest part about all of this was that he really liked you even though he kept his distance. And there was nothing you wanted more than for him to finally make the first step. Being friends with him wasn't enough for you.
Once you were sitting in the library at night as always. You were trying to focus on his words as he was explaining how Legilimency works but there was something else on your mind. You haven't been happy for the past few days and you had your reason.
T: "I see I am boring you. Go on then. Just leave." He said angrily.
Y/n: "No...I- Sorry, Tom, I've just been...struggling with something lately."
His gaze got even darker as you said that. You fell silent.
T: "So? Are you going to tell me what's wrong or will you run to your room and cry about it like some weak Mudblood?"
Y/n: "Do you know the girl Daphne? She and her friends has been really mean to me. I feel like I'm back in the hell that I had to go through in my previous schools. I thought there won't be any bullying in Hogwarts but here we are."
T: "And you let them?"
Y/n: "Well...I've been just ignoring them. I don't want to make it worse."
T: "Am I just wasting time with you?
Y/n, you are better than them. Why do you think I've been teaching you all of this? I want you to make them all fear you. You know you can do it."
His eyes were staring into yours, bewitching you completely. Yes. He was right. You were better than them. The next evening you went up to the Astronomy Tower for a smoke. When you climbed up the stairs and looked around you could not believe your eyes. There was Daphne, smoking a cigarette. And she was all alone. You took a breath and quietly walked towards her. This was your chance. You remembered Tom's words and suddenly it hit you. You had so much power inside of you so why not use it?
Y/n: "Daphne!" You yelled out at her. She turned around and looked at you in amusement as if you were some kind of an animal.
D: "Oh... Look who it is... What do you want?"
Y/n: "I want you to apologise to me."
She scoffed at you.
D: "Or what? Are you going to cry? Are you going to jump on a train and run home to your mummy? Are you going to run away like you always do? I know it. I know you've been changing schools your whole life. I wonder why...? Freak..."
You pointed your wand at her.
Y/n: "Get on your knees."
She looked scared but she was still standing.
Y/n: "Didn't you hear me? I said get on your knees! Imperio!"
Daphne suddenly kneeled down in front of you.
Y/n: "Apologise to me."
D: "I- I am sorry for everything I've said and done to you, Y/n. I will leave you alone from now on. I promise."
She was pleading with you but the curse made her sound almost emotionless.
Y/n: "Yes. You will."
You looked into her eyes and turned around. As you started walking away, you could feel your mind diving deep into the darkness, closer to its source, closer to Tom.

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