chapter 2: The Man of Many Styles

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3rd person pov:

On this day marks the last lesson bakugou will receive from Aizawa.

Once bakugou sits up from the straw pile that he has made his bed. A chain that is attached to his collar tugs tight. Reminding the blonde male how little room he has to move. The sound also alerts the guards that he's awake.

Aizawa approaches the bars with a key in hand.

Aiz:"After today. You'll be a fighter for the entertainment of the people. Do well, and the emperor may even come to enjoy your fights."

Baku:"Fuck the emperor. If I see him. My blade will be covered in his blood."

Aiz:"Be silent. If one of his men hears you. They'll take both of our heads."

Aizawa t h rows shackles for bakugou to put on. Once his wrists and ankles are restricted to most movement.  Aizawa comes into the cell and unlocks the chain from the wall. Being sure to walk bakugou out like a beast on a leash. They walk past many cells full of other gladiators. One with red and white hair glances over at bakugou as he walks by. One eye gray and the other a bright blue pierce the darkness of his cell.

Aiz:"Your first battle starts soon. So let's get you washed up. Right now, the crowd could smell you."

Aizawa opens two large doors and yanks on the chain to force bakugou into the shared bathhouse.

Once in the water. Bakugou struggles for a moment because of the weight of his shackles. Once out of the water. He looks around to see the doors are now closed and aizawa isn't around. His chain isn't even locked to the wall.

Baku:"What is he up to?"

A large man cones out from behind a pillar.

"Looks like we got some fresh meat. Slaves that live long enough to fight are rare. You look confused. Did your master not tell you? Your first fight isn't on the battlefield. Traditionaly, you fight to keep your pride as a warrior and not someone's bitch."

Two more men come out behind bakugou and pin him under water.

"Drownd or submit are the only choices we're giving you, little man."

One man pulls up on Bakugou's robe to show his ass. Bakugou grits his teeth while slowly pulling in his chain. That's when the big guy pulls up on Bakugou's head. Causing the blonde to gasp for air.

"I'll take that pretty mouth of yours. You both can take the other parts."

Baku:"You're just like the filthy warriors that serve that basterd."

Bakugou's head is pushed back into the water.

"That's enough out of you. Bite, and I'll sever your head off your shoulders."

As bakugou is being forced to the large males naked body. Bakugou pulls on the chain and wraps it around the man's ankles. With a strong pull. The man falls into the water. As he's startled for a split second. Bakugou wraps the rest of the chain in such a way around his wrists and neck. That the more he struggles. The tighter it gets. Within moments, the man passes out and drowns.

The others move in to penitrate bakugou. Only for bakugou to use the chain on his ankles to kick one off him.

The other is shoved off bakugou by the other, trying to grab something to stop him from falling.

Both men open their eyes under water. Only to see teeth coming at them.

With the speed and grace of an eel. Bakugou swims while bound and rips the throat out of one of the men. The other panics and tries to get out of the water. Only for the chain on Bakugou's wrists to get around his neck. With a strong pull. The chains dug into his neck and sever his head.

A few moments pass, and bubbles stop coming to the surface of the water. Then bakugou emerges and gasps for air. That's when aizawa peeks inside.

Aiz:"Oh good, you had me worried when the room went silent. Finish cleaning off so we can start your enterduction to the people.

Bakugou turns his back to aizawa and raises a middle finger to him.

After getting the chain free from the corps. Bakugou throws it by aizawa's feet.

Baku:"Let's get this over with."

They walk up to the gate that leads into the coliseum. Once there, aizawa hands a guard a slip of paper for what supplies he needs for his fighter.

Guard:"Where are your other fighters?"

Aiz:"It's just him and me."

Bakugou's eyes widen as he looks back at aizawa.

Aiz:"Today you'll prove to me whether you are a slave or a warrior. By defeating me. You'll be granted permission to gain rewards from future fights and glory. One day, you could even get your freedom.

Before bakugou could speak. The doors open as sunlight and the rawr of the crowds deafen bakugou for a moment. Only to stop when a guard puts a metal helmet over Bakugou's head. One that is meant to blind him. Shackles and chains are removed once bakugou is given a short sword to fight with. While aizawa grabs a net and trident.

Both stand ready to be called out to battle.

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