chapter 1: Echoes of The Past

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3rd person pov:

As a blonde child of five years watches, his father tends to the farm land. The boy follows his lead to get big and strong. Since they're miles from the nearest neighbor. The family also has pigs and a river nearby to fish from. It's this night that the boy shows off his arms at the dinner table.

Baku:"One day I'll be strong enough to take on an army. Everyday is training to keep you both safe."

The mom chuckles and pulls her son into a hug.

Mis:"Looks like you need more training then. If I can get you. The tickle monster will have no trouble."

As the mom tickles her son, who's trying not to giggle. He soon yawns. So the father takes him to bed.

The bed was made of a wooden frame with carvings of the gods and animals. The mattress was stuffed with straw and held up to the frame by strings woven at the bottom.

As the boy is laid down. The father tells the boy a story. One that the son loved to hear.

Mas:"Long ago, there once was an emperor who loved all of his people, and believed that no one is perfect. Criminals were given a chance to redeem themselves in combat. A stage large enough for even the gods to view those heroes. After proving their strength. The warriors were given a chance at freedom after fighting one hundred battles. The emperor would even sometimes join woriors in combat.  However, that all changed when Enji Todoroki came to town. He offered to All Might a new way for warriors to gain honor. Enji sent many into the labyrinth. Offering freedom to those who could escape it. Only to lie and betray All Might. With no escape made. It was a deadly trap. One that he spung on our leader by pushing him into the maze of death. Enji took this opportunity to become the new ruler. Now we live under his laws."

Baku:"Don't worry, dad. I'll defeat him and made our empire.... peacful ..........again."

As the boy falls asleep. The father smiles and ruffles his son's hair.

Hours later the boy is woken up to the sounds of his mother screaming.

The boy grabs a mattock that he kept beside the bed for a weapon. As the boy opened the door wide enough to see what's going on. He sees three men have ahold of his mom. While five more surround his father.

As the boy goes to open the door more. His eyes lock with his father. Who shakes his head no.

Mas:"Stay back!"

Warrior:"We're following emperors law. All woman are to offer themselves to him. As he's in search for a bride. Once we kill you. She'll no longer be married."

Another man in armor runs In.

Messenger:"He's found the one. Emperor Todoroki has found his bride and is pregnant with their first child."

Warrior:"That means we can have her right? Heheheh."

The father cries out in anger and turns to face the men who are now ripping the clothes off his wife. Only to get a spear through the back.

The boy runs out and breaks the leg of one of the men before beating his head in when the warrior began to fall.

Baku:"I won't let you hurt my mom and dad!"

With a strong war cry. The boy charges at another warrior. Only to be thrown back by a push of a shield. Before the boy could get back up. Two men bind his wrists in chains and another used a metal bolt with ropes on both ends to silence the child. A metal collar was then locked around his neck.

Warrior:"Looks like we got another slave to add to the cage. Once it's out of my sight. Kill these two."

As the boy is being dragged away. He cries out and tries to reach for his parents. Only to see men raping his mother while stabbing her in the back. While others brutally use his father as practice for chopping up victims. Each making bets to see who would live longer. The boy is then thrown into a cage with others who are at deaths door due to thirst, infection of wounds, or hunger. The boy sits there curled up into a ball for what feels like forever. Only to hear the warriors coming back. The boy looks up in time to get splashed by a bucket of blood. Others get splashed with pig shit and rotten meat.

A warrior whispers into the boy's ear.

War:"enjoying the warth of their blood on you? It's the last time you'll ever feel them embrace you."

Three days pass before they reach a town. It is there that the boy is chained to those that have survived this long. Weak from hunger. The child has only enough strength  to stand and glare. While on the stage. He puts his head down. That's when he gets his first taste at slave life.

With a crack through the air and a sting to his back. The boy refuses to look up. He grits his teeth in anger and clinches his fists tight enough to dig his nails in and draw blood.

A man with long black hair sees what's going on. So he approaches the stage and catches the whip.

Aizawa:"I'll take this one. He seems like a good fit for the coliseum."

Aizawa takes the bit gag off the child.

Aiz:"What is your name?"

The boy glares up at aizawa. Rage in his eyes that us hotter than the flames of a titan.

Baku:"Fuck you."

Aizawa slaps the boy hard enough to knock him down.

Aiz:"I'm here to buy strong warriors. Not smart asses."

Aizawa draws his sword and points it at the child.

Aiz:"Should I kill you here and now. Your life would've been a waste and no one will remember you existed. Now u ask you once more. What name do you wish to ring out to the heavens above?"

The child stands up and the sword cuts his cheek as he stands.

Baku:"Katsuki Bakugou."

With a smirk. Aizawa picks the child up. Throwing bakugou over his shoulder and throwing a bag of gold at the warriors that were selling him.

Eighteen years have passed since that happened. Bakugou wakes up from the same dream that repeats night after night. Bakugou reaches for his neck in hopes that it was just a dream. Only to be reminded of the reality when he feels the metal collar around his neck.

He looks around and sees that he's in the same cage. One that only opens for battle.

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