chapter 4: Invitation

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3rd person pov:

Once bakugou is in his cell. He lays down while curled up tight. Holding himself while crying quietly in the dark.

Meanwhile, the guards that have taken aizawa's body away have laid it on a table.

The head guard hands one of his men a blade.

HG:"Send word to the emperor. The last of All Might's men has finally fallen in battle. Be sure to bring evidence."

One guard grabs the sword and cuts off aizawa's head. Covering it in a white sheet and placing it into a chest. Then the guard heads out.

While walking through the streets. News spread of his death. By the time the guard gets to the palace. Word has already reached his ears.

The guard delivers the box to the door and, in return, is given a letter. An invitation to the monster slayer bakugou.

Once enji opens the box. He begins to laugh.

Enji:"Oh, how the mighty have fallen. You tried so many times to kill me. Even drawing others to fight with you. When you ran away. I thought that you would die in peace. Now, to finally have your head in my hands. It's a dream come true. Warriors, take this to my personal taxidermist. Tell him to add horns for its display. I want the warrior who killed him to have it as a trophy tomorrow."

Hours pass, and bakugou hasn't moved. That's when a metal ting on the bars rings out.

Sero a guard:"Sir, I've brought you a feast fit for a warrior. Please enjoy. Every day, you return from battle. You'll get to eat as much as you want as a reward."

Denki:"sero! Put this with the meal. It's a letter from the emperor himself. Shinsou brought it just moments ago."

Bakugou sits up as they bring in a rolling table full of food.

Bakugou ignores the food and grabs the letter in the middle.

<Dear slayer of beasts.

  You are invited to a dinner in your honor at the palace for your heroic act of bravery in defeating a war criminal. On we that has tried many times to take our great leader's life. We look forward to meeting you tomorrow night. Bring only yourself. One of our men will be escorting you tomorrow.>

Bakugou balls up the letter and throws it our of his cell. With a few sniffs of the food to check for poison. Bakugou then tastes it. Once it is deemed safe. Bakugou eats to regain his strangth.

When his letter rolls down the hall. The red and white-haired man in a cell across and down the hall picks it up. After unrolling it. He looks on the back side. The heat of his breath reveals a message in heat sensitive ink. The man's eyes widen. With a smile, he begins to destroy it. Eating it piece by piece until it's gone.

That night noises could be heard all around. So Bakugou covered his ears to try and sleep. Not wanting to get in trouble before meeting the man who killed his family.

That morning, bakugou wakes up to a young man with green bushy hair and a white robe at his cell door. The young man keeps his head down and a hood over his head.

"Are you the one who got the invitation?"

Baku:"Who the hell wants to know?"

"I have come to escort you to the palace. I am a slave who guides master and his guests to whenever they wish. First, we'll get you to private bathhouse. Then, we'll go shopping for some new armor. After that, you'll pick out an outfit for dinner. That way, you will look your best for the master. So please come with me. A carrage waits for us outside."

Bakugou looks closer and sees marks on his wrists from ropes and shackles. The male whimpers and pulls his sleeves down to cover them.

So Bakugou gets up and follows him. Guards part for them to pass, and before they reach the gates. They opened ahead so they wouldn't stop moving.

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