Chapter 16: Time Flys When You're Bleeding

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3rd person pov:

Gentle grabs bakugou by the cloak and drags him away.

Gen:"No time like the present to get started."

Baku:"Let go! I can walk on my own!"

Edgeshot follows them out. Leaving shoto to face his master.

Sho:"I- it's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Izuku walks up and pats Shoto's head.

Izu:"You've grown so tall. Did they treat you well?"

As izuku reaches for Shoto's scar. A kind grasp stops him.

Sho:"It's thanks to you that I've lived this long. So I owe you my life. Use me as you see fit master."

As shoto bows. Izuku sees the collar and takes it off him.

Izu:"Serve me as a free man. Do not bind yourself with chains. It'll only limit your strangth."

Izuku hands him the collar back.

Izu:"If you try to wear it again. I'll have to destroy it."

Shoto clutches it to his chest, and bows.

Mic:"Now that we're working together. Let's pack up and plan a route."

Izu:"I've already found us a way."

The emperor pulls out a map and lays it on the table.

Izu:"We have business to take care of down here. It'll take seven days to get there. So we'll be stopping at every town on the way to here the people out."

Mic:"Why go to a farm at the border?"

Izu:"We need to pick up a special guest."

Izuku's fist clinches and shakes with anger."

Sho:"That's the farm I found for you after looking into Bakugou's past."

Mic:"You're the warrior of the shadows? I was wondering why t h e young master said requests aloud."

Izu:"It was during archery practice that I gave shoto my request I'm writing. Since kacchan told me about his past. I gave shoto permission to read the letters aizawa sent you and Edgeshot for the rebellion."

Sho:"That's where i found the slave papers that record the region where he was taken from."

Mic:"What's the plan?"

Izu:"We're going hunting."

Gentle throws bakugou to a cell in the dungeon.

Gen:"We'll train you here. That way, no one will hear your cries for help."

Edg:"Ever wonder what makes th9se in the shadows so powerful? They die a thousand deaths so is to never fear the end."

Gentle binds Bakugou's wrists, elbows, ankles, and knees with a thick rope.

Gentle:"Break free before you starve to death."

Baku:"Heh! Easy."

Edgeshot pats Bakugou down and takes every weapon away from him.

Edg:"Not so fast. You can only pick free or break it with pure strangth."

Gentle leaves the room, and just before Edgeshot does. He cuts Bakugou's clothes. Taking away any chance to get warm in t h e cold and dark room. He then poors a bucket of water on him before leaving.

Not even a torch lights the room.

Edg:"Freeze or starvation? Only you can choose your first death."

Baku:"W-what the hell-llll!?"

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