chapter 8: Challenge Him

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3rd person pov:

Once at the coliseum. Bakugou heads to his cell. Only to find that the lock has been removed.

Sero:"By order of the emperor. You are free to wonder around during the day. Even go out and shop with winnings earned by the five challenges."

Baku:"How's the pay?"

Sero:"One hundred gold coins per fight."

Baku:"He'll regret setting it at that rate. If I win them all. I could buy an army."

Bakugou smirks and lays on his bed. As he drifts off to sleep. He plans for battle.

As he sleeps. A door opens down the hall. Bakugou's door opens as a figure stands above him. Gray and blue eyes look down at him.

Sho:^Be a good distraction, and I promise you'll get your wish.^

As bakugou opens his eyes. He hears a door creek shut and doesn't see anyone around. So he goes back to sleep.

The next day, his armor arrives. Bakugou puts on the plates to protect his torso, helmet for his head, and metal wrist guards.

Sero hands him a long sword and sends him out. That's when he sees the pit ring full of water and seven crockodials fourteen feet long each are snapping up, ready to eat.

Baku:"This is too easy."

The warrior looks up in the stands and sees the emperor with the slave by his side. Behind them are his two guards.


Bakugou smirks before cutting the palm of his hand. Dripping blood onto two of the creatures below. Causing four to gang up on them.

While they're distracted. Bakugou jumps on the one that doesn't attack. Piercing the torso of the beast. As the water turns red with blood. He jumps high up. Another beast tries to look up and snap at the gladiator. Causing the sword to catch on its upper jaw. Slicing the head down the middle. The two that were attacked have cercom to their injuries. Leaving three left. Jumping from one to another. He Causes them to leap out of the water. Giving him any easy time to slay the crockidials. When the last one alive hisses at the man who stands atop the bodies. Bakugou hisses back. That's when it dives down and out of sight.

Enji:"Looks like he's dead. Bring me my knife."

Izu:"You were wrong after all."

As the slave closes his eyes and accepts his fate. The crowd cheers as the warrior dives into the water.

Enji laughs as the crowd grows silent. Moments feel like minutes as bubbles begin to stop floating to the surface of the water.

Enji:"That idiot just killed himself out of sight."

Edg:"Look again sir."

Enji looks, and his slave stands up in excitement. As bakugou breaks through the surface of the water with the heart of the beast in his hand.

The crowd rawrs with joy. As sero and denki pull him from the pit.

Bakugou looks to enji and raises a finger to him. Them he winks with a smirk at his slave.

Baku:^Told you I could win. Now I hope that this changes your mind.^

Enji tosses a bag of gold down and walks away.

Enji:"Tomorrow, make it bigger and with horns."

As the slave's heart flutters away with hope. Enji trips him and steps on his back.

Enji:"Don't get your hopes up. You won't live past Tomorrow."

Bakugou heads to his cell to hide the gold behind a loose stone in the wall. As he walks down the hall. A voice calls out to him.

Sho:" Nice show you gave him. Your skills are wasted here. You should apply yourself to The Frumentarii. "

Baku:"You actually believe that fairytale? The Frumentarii are just a bedtime story used to scare kids into following the rules."

Sho:"Suit yourself."

Bakugou hides the gold and takes a bath before enjoying his feast. After that, he mentally prepares for his next battle.

The following day, bakugou has a net and trident while up against a rhino. Only for the battle to end faster than the day before. With the net on its head to destract it. Bakugou uses the trident to impale it from behind and up the ass. It cries out for only a moment before falling over. This enrages enji to the point that he stabs his knife into the balcony and breaks it.

The servant quivers in fear and keeps his head down low. As showing any hint of happiness would result in being beat on.

Day three has bakugou up against an elephant with two swords. This fight has bakugou losing his grip on the blades during a guard against a charge attack.

Enji sits up with glee. Only to be disappointed when bakugou uses the cracks in its tusks to break them completely off. He then jabs them into the eyes. Killing it instantly.

This time when enji leaves. His anger has been replaced with an evil grin.

Enji:"Time to really test his skill. No more beasts. Let's put him up against warriors."

Izu:^I have to warn him before it's too late.^

Before the slave could look out at bakugou. Enji pulls him back.

Enji:"You aren't telling him this time. I know all about his reading lips skill. Let tomorrow be a surprise."

Izu:^I'm sorry. He discovered our trick. Looks like tomorrow, I won't be able to watch.^

The slave is forced into the carrage. Then he's locked away. Unable to see the one he has fallen for.

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