Chapter 24: Himiko The Vampire Butterfly

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3rd person pov:

Weeks pass into two months, and bakugou begins to get impatient with izuku's inability to get his wife pregnant. So he heads to the library. That's when he discovers a book that will solve everything.

While izuku was in the garden planting flowers for good luck. Bakugou heads to the emperor's bedchamber. Leaving the book on his bed. Only to hear someone at the door.

Uru:"What are you up to bakugou?"

Baku:"That's none of your business. Now if you'll excuse me. I need to check on the dumbass."

Ururaka sees the book and chuckles.

Uru:"Once again you help him without him knowing. You really are a k8nd soul."

Baku:"I wasn't here. Got it pink cheeks?"


As bakugou steps past her. Something seems off. So he quickly moves to listen to her stomach.

Baku:"Have you been feeling sick as of late? Waking up with nausea, or perhaps a late cycle?"

Ururaka blushes and looks away.

Uru:"I am a few days late, but it's nothing unusual. "

Baku:"Where is your hand maiden?"

Uru:"She's writing to family right now in her room."

Bakugou stands up and peeks out into the hall. He then whistles like a baby bird, and within moments. Shoto jumps from the ledge of the high ceiling.

Baku:"Get deku and meet us at the medical wing."

With a nod. Shoto jumps up on the ledge to get outside faster.

Bakugou picks ururaka up bridle style and runs to the wing.

Uru:"I'm Alright really."

Baku:"I heard something you want to know about."

Bakugou whispers in her ear. Causing the lady to light up with joy.

So he stops to tell magne.

Baku:"Oi princess. You need to come with us."

Uru:"It's good news."

As she opens the door. Bakugou sees smoke. So he hands the lady over.

Baku:"Take her to the doctor. I'll go after deku."

Uru:"Didn't you send shoto after him?"

Baku:"Two sets of eyes are faster than one. Now go."

As they walk off. Bakugou quickly looks and sees a letter burning. So he tries to put it out. That's when he sees ink that can only be seen once heated.

<I'll be waiting for the new maid. Since he doesn't have a taster. The seat won't grow cold by the time you get here. I look forward to your butterfly.>

Baku:"maid?"^The new assistant that bitch wanted. Is she planning on poisoning deku?^"I won't let that happen."

Bakugou burns the rest of the letter and leaves. That's when he sees izuku with everyone else.

Nezu:"Good news my lord. It would appear that you'll be a father."

Izuku's eyes shine with excitement before he rubs ururaka's stomach.

Izu:"Thank you for this day. Now I must prepare for the baby, but first."

Izuku looks back and kisses bakugou deeply.

Bakugou's eyes widen before he backs away.

Baku:"You damn nerd. It won't be that easy. Since you made me wait. I'll tease you until you quiver and crave me."

Izuku blushes and turns back to his wife.

Baku:"Halfnhalf. I need to speak to you outside. "

As both step out. Bakugou uses hand codes.

Baku<Do you have any men you can trust?>

Sho<What do you need?>

Baku<I need a poison taster, and someone to watch a new maid coming into the palace. I'll watch deku if you watch pink cheek's hand maiden.>


Baku<I found evidence that she might be working with that dabi dumbass guy.>

Shoto sees the ashes on two of Bakugou's fingers. So he nods in agreement before leaving.

That day for lunch a new man delivers the meal. He's shy and has black hair.

Izu:"Who are you?"

Sho:"He's tamaki amajiki. He'll be your taster from now on."

Tam:"Your meal is safe s.....sir."

Izuku looks confused but eats it anyway. That's when magne leaves the room to head back to her room.

Magne begins to write again. Not knowing eyes are on her.

<The emperor has a child on the way. I ask only one thing. Please don't hurt my lady. You can take the child under your wing and raise him as yours once you are emperor.>

As she folds up the paper and puts a wax seal on it. Blue eyes appear behind her.

Mirio:"So you are a spy. Your lady will be sad to find out."

Magne jumps up off her chair.

Mag:"I'll do anything, just please don't tell her. I was only trying to protect her. She is my only family I have. Even though it isn't by blood. I feel as if we are sisters."

Mir:"Hand me the letter and write a different one. If you try to write him again. This letter will find its way to her."

Magne writes what mirio tells her to and continues to be under watch.

By dinner time shoto greets the new help. A girl with pigtails and two bags in hand.

Him:"My name is himiko Toga. Where would you like my assistance?"

Sho:"Kitchen. You'll be washing dishes."

As she passes by. Shoto feels a wave of bloodlust. So he looks at her as she passes. Only to see her vanish out of sight.

As Bakugou, izuku, and ururaka sit down for dinner.

Tamaki goes into the kitchen. Only to see everyone of the staff unconscious or dead.

That's when tamaki looks behind him to see Toga with a needle in hand.

Toga:"Time to rest beside your emperor."

Tamaki catches her hand and twists it to pin her arm behind her back.

Tam:"We were expecting you. Now tell me where your master is."

Toga:^Looks like our spy was found.^

Toga kicks tamaki off and runs for the door, but not before grabbing a bag.

Once outside, she opens the bag to free a bird with a message. Only to be taken in soon after and brought to izuku in chains.

Izu:"So another assissin tries to kill me. Your boss really doesn't like to wait does he?"

Toga:"If you kill me. This'll never end. He's already planned everything out. Just you wait. Dabi will kill you before spring comes!"

Toga then goes limp. So tamaki looks and sees that she used her own needle on herself and is dying.

Baku:"Don't just stand there. She has information we need."

Sho:"There's no need. Her bird went west and was shot down in the nearby dence forrest."

Izu:"A hunter?"

Sho:"No one hunts with arrows with the same black feathers that nagant used."

Izu:"That close by?"

Baku:"We'll find them."

Guards are sent out to search. While ururaka goes to her own bedroom to rest. Leaving izuku and bakugou in his for the night.

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