Chapter 20: Rage Beyond A Beast

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3rd person pov:

With two blades in hand. Bakugou guards against Nagant's Flurry of blows. As she presses forward. Causing bakugou to back step away from her until he's at the ledge of the roof.

Lady:"Not so tough now, are you? If anything, you've grown soft. The love you have will only get you killed."

With a swift upper kick. She knocks the bottom piece out of Bakugou's hand. Leaving him with only one weapon.

As she lunges for a final strike. Bakugou smirks and drops his weapon. Only to grabs her wrists when the blade comes at him.

Baku:"That may be true, but you're not the one who's gonna kill me."

Bakugou uses his center of gravity to lift and throw her off the roof.

Nagant:^This won't stop me. I'll just let go of my weapon and grab the ledge. Then I'll finish you off-"

As she let's the sword go. He realizes that bakugou had uses a sleeve band to pull out a hidden dagger. He then throws it and stabs nagant in the shoulder.  Bakugou then jumps off after her and grabs the dagger.

When they land on the street below. Bakugou straddles her and stabs the blade in deeper.

Baku:"Who do you work for?"

Lady:"Like I'd tell you shit. Ghaah!"

Bakugou twists the blade within her.

Baku:"Who is Dabi?"

Lady:"You really haven't figured it out? Your mind is clouded by love. So much so that you don't see the obvious threat before you."

As izuku's carrage is about to turn out of harms way. Shoto sees a man with white shoulder-length hair walk out of an alleyway with a long bow pointed at the carrage.

Lady:"I'll only tell you one thing. The young lord only wants one person to die. With that in mind. The distraction is almost over."

Bakugou looks up in horror at the spear sized arrow pointed at the carrage.

Lady:"It's too late. You'll never get to him in time."

Bakugou pulls out the dagger and stands up as the arrow is fired. After it goes through the cabin of the carrage. Izuku screams soon go quiet. Just as fast as it got loud. The streets grow silent like a graveyard.

The arrow sticks halfway out of a nearby building and barely misses people that were taking shelter inside.

The man who shot the arrow turns to leave. Only to feel a strong pressure around him. He looks out to see a beast with red eyes come at him. Only for the street to be painted red with blood.

Shoto manages to get down and capture nagant, only to see bakugou covered in blood. The dagger in his hand is broken. So he drops it and rips out one of the assassin's ribs. Stabbing him and tairing his body apart like a rabid animal. No bone left unbroken. No organ left in one piece. Even the skull was broken to a point where no one could recognize  him.

Mic opens the carrage door and izuku comes out unharmed.

Nagant:"That's impossible. How could you have served the attack!"

Mic:"Edgeshot isn't the only one with good ears. I heard the creek of the string being drawn back."

Izuku looks and sees the carnage at play. So he runs over to Bakugou's side.


Bakugou is a growling, salivating,  rage fueled monster with tears of hate pouring down his Cheeks.

Izu:"Kacchan, it's alright. I'm okay. The threat is gone now."

Izuku touches Bakugou's shoulder. Causing the guard to turn around and pin him to the ground. Only after their eyes meet, does bakugou finally calm down.


Izuku smiles softly and brushes his thumb on Bakugou's cheek to wipe a tear away.

Izu:"Let's go home."

Bakugou calms down. Only to faint and fall on top of the emperor. It's only then thar izuku sees that bakugou has an injury from his fight with Lady nagant.

Izu:"We need a medic!"

Hours pass and izuku sits by Bakugou's bed reading a book on first aid.

Kirishima walks in with the doctor who's short, has white hair and eyes so brown that they appear black.

Nezu:"His treatment went well. With plenty of bed rest. He'll make a full recovery in three weeks."

Izu:"That's good news at least."

Kiri:"However, the man that attacked you wasn't so lucky. We just received news that he was the blacksmith of the palace."

Izu:"Which means that kacchan's armor had a built in weak point that our prisoner knew about."

Kirishima nods his head.

Kiri:"Most likely yes."

Izu:"I wanna speak to her."

Nezu:"Out of the question. Right now, bakugou needs you to be by his side for support. If you want answers. Ask your guards to question her. She's no ordinary assassin. Lady nagant was once a shadow of the palace. Her training isn't normal. If I catch you injured from her attack. You'll face my thousand needle treatment. Am I clear?"

Izu:"Yes sir."

Izuku reaches for Bakugou's hand but stops short. So he goes back to reading his book.

Kiri:"Before I leave. There is one other thing. You've received proposal letters. They wish to meet you to offer their hands in marriage. Shall I invite them to a ball so that you might meet them all at once and be done with it?"

Izu:"When will it happen?"

Kiri:"We can plan for two weeks from now. As t h at will give them travel time to get here."

Izuku looks at bakugou with worry.

Nezu:"After a week or so He'll be able to move around a bit, but no heavy lifting or fighting."

Kiri:"You can't be a bachelor forever. An aire must be born. It is your duty as a leader to father a child and marry a young lady of nodal birth."

Izu:"I wish it were him instead, but I understand."^please forgive me.^ "Send the invites."

As kirishima and nezu leave the room. Izuku sets down the book and lifts Bakugou's hand to kiss. He then sets it back down and lays his head on Bakugou's bed.

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