3rd person pov:
As izuku heads up the stairs of the palace. Bakugou grits his teeth in anger.
Baku:^ You have no idea what kind of monster you're dealing with deku.^
As more flashbacks start to engulf his mind. Bakugou uses the tip of a dagger to cut his left index finger. The pain brings him to reality so he can do his job. Not realizing that shoto, mic, and gentle saw what he did.
Baku:"No matter what. I can't be distracted."
As bakugou makes his rounds. Gentle heads up to his room while suppressing a coughing fit coming on.Shoto heads inside to help Edgeshot protect the emperor. So, mic breathes a heavy sigh.
Mic:"Hey bakugou! Come with me. It's time you learn something from me."
Baku:"My training is on hold until deku is out of harms ways."
Mic:"That's the reason why I need your help."
Bakugou follows Mic to the dungeons, and he sees chisaki in one cell and koku in the one across from him.
Baku:"Why are we here?"
Mic:"We'll use trumpet as your subject to learn torture. We need to know who gave him our emperor's physical appearance for the poster."
Koku:"You won't get anything from me."
As he goes to bite his tongue. Bakugou bursts in like a ghost and shoves the bar of his spear in koku's mouth.Baku:"You're gonna talk, or I'll take everything you hold most precious."
Chis:"Looks like you've become a lot like me, blood boy."
Baku:"Oi old man."
Mic nods and goes 8nto chisaki's cell. Grabbing h8m by the hair before bashing his head against the wall.
Mic:"Be silent, or I'll cut out your tongue and sow your mouth shut."
Chis:"Heheheh! You wouldn't dare. The crowds will know that I was injured before the trial and rebel against that handsome young man you call a leader. I've got friends in high places that will help me. Once I'm found innocent. I'll come back with an army for a taste. That includes you, blood boy. I'd love another all-nighter just like the good old days."
As bakugou trembles with fists gripped tight enough for his knuckles to become pale. Mic bashes chisaki's head again.
Mic:"Ever heard the story of the silent witness? It was during enji todoroki's rule. A witness was going to tell the people about how he threw his firstborn in the labyrinth and was going to sacrifice the others as shields if assassins came for him. Yet when the servant was at trail. She didn't speak a word and kept her head down to the dirt. My strings made it to where she couldn't speak. I also used my threads to keep her eyes closed as well. Yet when her head flew off her shoulders. No one noticed. So be careful what you say. It could be your last."
Mic drops chisaki and walks out before locking the door.
Bakugou smirks and pushes the spear further in. Causing teeth to crack in koku's mouth.
Baku:"Now I understand the mission."
Just as koku is about to cry from the pain. Bakugou pulls away.
Baku:"Who is your informant?"
Koku:"Fuck you."
Bakugou punches his gut and breaks a few ribs.
Baku:"Who is your leader?"
Koku:"Eat shit blood boy~ HEHEHAHAHAH!"
Bakugou growls and grabs pliers to pull out a tooth. With a yank and a twist. Roots and all are removed.
Koku:"Ohay ohay I'll halk!"
Bakugou pulls the pliers out of his mouth.
Koku:"I got my information......... from your mother as I fucked her."
Koku spits blood on Bakugou's face before smirking.Bakugou wipes his face and grins ear to ear.
Baku:"That's ashame. You see, we already know about D.T. and the hideout. After your trial, we'll kill everyone there. Then you'll have no more support."
Mic looks confused as bakugou walks away.
Baku:"Gag him and let's go. Since he doesn't want to cooperate. We'll get the bondfire ready. If you had only gave us numbers and your informant. You would've lived as a unique."
As mic walks up with a rope in hand. Koku shivers.
Koku:"Lady nagant. She's an ex Frumentarii. After keigo, the slayer was banished to the labyrinth for trying to kill enji at the coliseum. She left and vowed to help his son take the power.now she's his spy."
Baku:"Oh really? Where is she now?"
Koku:"I don't know, but I do know that you're all gonna die very soon. Dabi's army won't stop until he's the emperor. As this palace is rightfully his."
Baku:"Looks like my bluff worked. Be sure t h at he doesn't die okay old man?"
Mic:"Aizawa taught you well I see. This wasn't your first."
Baku:"Thirty seventh."
As bakugou walks away. Chisaki smiles.
Chis:"I hope your master feels as soft as you. Keep him safe until I get there slave."
Bakugou opens the door and points the spear at his right eye.
Baku:"You won't breathe the same air he does. Let alone touch him. I'll make damn sure of it."
Chisaki looks bakugou in the eyes.
Chis:"I see, now it all makes sense. You love him."
Bakugou stabs the tip in his eye and spins it to shred his eye.
Mic:"Do both bakugou. That way it'll look like he's praying at trial."
Baku:"Heh yes sir."
Koku looks in horror before mic comes at him with a needle and thread.
Koku:"Stay back! I told you everything I know!"
Mic:"We thank you for being honest."
Koku:"No Stop PLEAS-"
Mic cuts koku's tongue out and begins to sow.
Meanwhile, a pipe for airflow leads to the roof. Where lady nagant hears everything.
Nagant:"How interesting. The guard loves his master. Dabi will be pleased to hear this."

My Sword Is Yours
FanfictionIn this story. Bakugou and izuku haven't met before. This is until the blonde gladiator is given a chance at a new life. As a reward for his glory in the coliseum. Bakugou is given his freedom and a chance to rise up in society. What will his new jo...