3rd person pov:
As bakugou adjusts his feet. Dabi moves his arms to another stance. From blade front and center to off to his side for a piercing motion.
Both fighters take a deep breath in sync. Before opening their eyes.
Dabi makes the first move. Charging at the blonde. Bakugou raises his shield and can't seem to get an attack in.
Baku:^His speed shouldn't be possible with such a huge blade.^
Then bakugou sees the curved edge and realizes that it's hitting in multiple ways.
Dabi then sidesteps and goes for Bakugou's straps on his sword. In that moment. Bakugou sees an opening and goes to stab dabi in the torso.
As he comes closer and is already in motion. Dabi smirks and adjusts his blade for a sweeping moment.
Bakugou ducks down. Only missing the attack by a hairs breath. Sliding across the room. His armor creates spark on the granite and marble floor.
With a quick spin. Bakugou's shield once again meets Dabi's blade. So the blode uses his weight to shove Dabi's blade up. That's when the tables turn.
Elsewhere, izuku manages to wiggle free of the ropes and removes the gag. He then goes to pull on the door. Only to realize it's locked.
Izu:"Shit."^Kacchan, please be safe.^
Izuku then looks around his room for something to unlock the door. Once he finds what he's looking for. The emperor makes his escape and heads for the main hall.
Meanwhile, dabi and bakugou continue their fight. Both exchanging blows in a flurry of attacks. Each fighter gets a cut every other attack or so. Both look as if their weapons guide them to a dance for the dead. Every block is followed by a spin to attack once more. Then Bakugou's eyes drift from dabis for a moment.
Dabi:"Is he still a distraction for you?"
Dabi smirks and with that evil grin. Dabi jumps back and sees izuku running down the hall.
Dabi:"If I kill him. You'll focus on the fight, right?"
Baku:"I won't let you touch him!"
Bakugou's blows gain speed, and he closes his eyes. That's when his stance changes.
Dabi's eyes widen with joy at how each attack is different styles. That is until one attack passes him off.
Dabi:"So you had multiple masters. Too bad I defeated them all ready -"
Dabi sees the stance keigo use to use. Causing dabi to grit his teeth in anger.
Dabi:"You son of a bitch. DON'T MOCK THE DEAD!!"
Dabi goes in for one last strike. Only for Bakugou's blade to have more reach and cut him down.
Dabi falls to the floor but catches himself. So Bakugou walks away.
Baku:"This fight is over, and you lost."
As izuku is about to reach the room. Bakugou starts walking towards him. Only to hear a bow string tighten behind him.
Dabi:"I won't stop.... until you feel the same pain of loss that I have."
Instead of black feathers on this arrow. They are a bright red.
Izu;"Kacchan did you kill him?"
Bakugou is in a panic. So he shuts the hall doors to protect the emperor.
Izuku runs up to the doors and leans on them.
Baku:"You have to run away."

My Sword Is Yours
FanfictionIn this story. Bakugou and izuku haven't met before. This is until the blonde gladiator is given a chance at a new life. As a reward for his glory in the coliseum. Bakugou is given his freedom and a chance to rise up in society. What will his new jo...