10: Fighting A Legend

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3rd person pov:

Bakugou decides to head out into town. It is there that he goes to his blacksmith.

Shig:"Well, well, well. Looks like you really are alive. Though from the announcements. You won't be alive after tomorrow."

Baku:"Got anything that'll help my chances?"

Shigaraki smirks and opens a cabinet to pull out some armor.

Shig:"I got something that's light weight and can take a hit or two. Leg guards for your shins just like the ones I gave for your wrists. He'll fight with low sweeps. My advice to you. Don't jump over it. Unless you want his talons to get you."

Baku:"What do you mean?"

Hours pass with them talking. Meanwhile, enji heads back to his palace and down to the dungeon.

Mic:"I thought his victory might tick you off, sir."

Enji:"I am angry, but I also know he won't win. Tomorrow, I'll stack the odds against him."

Enji opens a barred door to a cell.

Izuku is suspended from his wrists on the back wall. His lips chapped from lack of water. Stomach growls loud with hunger.

Enji:"How's my pon doing? Tomorrow is the day. Don't worry, you'll have a front row seat to his last moments."

Enji grabs izuku's hair and yanks his head up for a punch to the nose. Giving the slave two black eyes. His face soon begins to swell as blood poors from his nose.

Enji then rips off the cloak and grabs his whip. With every slash of the whip. Izuku cries out in pain.

Once bakugou heads back. He tries to get some rest, but worrisome thoughts flood his mind of what could happen if he loses, or what's happening to the save. It is only three hours before sunrise that he finally falls asleep. Only to wake up at high noon by crowds cheering.

Bakugou grabs his armor and runs down the hall while trying to put it on.

As he runs down the hall. Shoto looks up and follows behind him.

Baku:"Why didn't you wake me?"

Sero:"We were ordered to let you rest. That way, your opponent would weaken down. Emperor said it would make it a fair fight. Since we ran out of beasts to send at him. I had to send my men."

Bakugou opens the gate to see a man in full golden armor with designs of bird wings carved all over it. He rips the head of a guard with a stitched scar on his head clean off with his hands. The man's face appears to show boredom.

Keigo:"Another weakling. Such ashame to throw all these lives away."

Enji:"Here he is. Did you sleep well?"

Bakugou steps out while sero and shinsou clear the arena. Shinsou begins to cry. As he drags Denki's body away.

Sho:"That armor. Oh shit that's keigo, the barbarian."^Get out of there before it's too late.^

Bakugou pulls out the sword that looks like aizawa's but isn't made into a leg.

Kei:"Long sword? Tell me something. Did aizawa train you?"

Baku:"So what if he did."

Kei:"He didn't warn you? My guess is he was ashamed that a fifteen year old took his leg all those years ago."

Baku:"That was you?"

In the blink of an eye. Keigo vanishes from Bakugou's sight.

A voice comes from behind him.

Kei:"If he was your master. You won't see the sun set."

Bakugou gasps and goes to turn around to block the attack. Only for the attack to take his helmet off.

Bakugou slides away. As blood drips from his head and over his left eye. He tries to catch his breath.

Baku:^He's strong. This fight might be my last if I'm not careful.^

With a dash forward. Keigo is onto of him once again. Leaving bakugou to guard against the attacks from his spear. Only to block every other hit.

Bakugou gets lashes on his face, shoulders, upper arms, and thighs.

Enji watches while eating a lambchop. The cloth bag beside him wiggles and whimpers. So enji stabs his knife into it. Causing a scream to ring out that's muffled by the crowd.

Bakugou jumps back to dodge the persistent borage of blows.

Kei:"Not bad. You've lived longer than most. Are you part of The Frumentarii aswell?"

Baku:"You mean to tell me that the secret guards that travel to other countries as assassins and spys by order of the emperor are real?"

Keigo sees an opening when Bakugou tries to adjust his grip on the sword. With a swing to the middle. Bakugou loses grip with his left hand. The golden warrior kicks bakugou square on the chest. Throwing him back and to the ground.

Kei:"You faught good kid, but this ends here and now."

Bakugou throws dirt up to blind his opponent.

As keigo rubs his eyes. Bakugou stands up to strike the back of his neck.

That's when enji opens the bag and pulls out someone to destract bakugou.

Enji:"Careful. You wouldn't want me to hurt the thing you faught for."

Izuku tries to stay down and out of sight, but enji grabs the collar to force him up.

Swollen and bloody face with fresh unclean wounds to his body, and brown streaks on his hair from soaked in blood and left to dry.

Baku:^He knew this would happen. Yet even so.^"You fucking basterd!"

Keigo spins around to strike bakugou. Only for his arms to suddenly go numb.

Keigo looks and sees shoto glaring at him.

Kei:"I only did this to protect touy-"

Bakugou hits Keigo with enough force to break the chest plate. As Keigo gasps for air from the wind being knocked out of him. Bakugou steps on his back to pin him down for the final blow. Only for enji to keep his thumb up to Spain his life.

Shoto heads back inside. While the guards drag Keigo to the cells.

Enji:"You've done well. As promised. You'll be one of my new guards, and your trophy will be this slave. Now if you'll excuse me. We'll be going. See you in three days for the sign over."

As enji walks away. Mic talks to him.

Mic:"Are you really giving over this valuable slave?"

Enji:"of course not. Have your men ready to full him full of holes at the gate. For now, we need to bring my oldest son home. Tomorrow night everyone is invited to watch me become a God. Icarus and his human will fall."

As bakugou is getting treatment for his wounds. He sees Keigo chained up in the cell across the hall.

Kei:"That emperor promised you something aswell? He promised me that if I won. He would set me and his oldest son free from the labyrinth. Now that I've lost. We'll both be killed tomorrow."

Baku:"That's rough buddy."

Kei:"He won't keep his word you know. That selfish prick does nothing for others unless it suits him. That slave is special to him. It's the only reason why more haven't faught him."

Sho:"That's enough talking. Save your strength for tomorrow."

Baku:"So you're really going through with it? I'm not an idiot. You and the guards have been making alot of noise. Count me out of it. I'd rather play it safe than risk my life on a pipedream."

After getting bandaged up. He takes a small amount of gold and heads out into town. It is there that he pays Mina for the outfits, shigaraki for the armor, and drinks in celebration. Before heading back to fall asleep.

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