𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯...𝘰𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭?

17 0 1

This was getting ridiculous. 

 Demi was ready to start the day by helping people; instead, she had to deal with Asher and Diamond from ripping each other's throats.

And it was only eight in the morning.

Demi entered the throne room.

Asher's white wings were tucked behind him as he stared at his opponent with a kind smile. His blonde curls were placed carefully, and a golden halo was over his head. He was wearing a white shirt that spelled,


Diamond was clad in a red shirt (SURVIVE IN HELL OR YOU'RE DEAD...AGAIN), a black leather jacket and jeans, black boots, and a red scarf. Her red hair was curled and set at different angles. Steam was coming out of her ears.


Neither of them noticed Demi's arrival. "He cut that girl's hair with scissors!", Diamond argued. Asher shook his head, "He planted trees and participated in charity!". "Those scissors were unsanitary", she screeched. "He visited his grandfather daily", Asher said coolly. "He didn't even apologize to the girl!", Diamond fired back. "He did apologize! They ended up laughing about it at their wedding!", said the angel triumphantly. The demon scoffed and folded her arms, "He deserves to be with me!". "I believe he will have much better guidance with me!", suggested Asher. "Listen here blondie! I swear if you don't-", Diamond hollered.

"Good morning you too! I love the sunny day, don't you?", Demi smirked. "Oh yes, lovely weather too!" said Asher cheerfully. Diamond stuck out her tongue, "It makes me want to vomit.".

"What seems to be the problem?", she asked. Diamond quickly spoke, explaining that the damn angel (not her exact words, they were much more violent) wants August Green to follow them into heaven. Diamond even pulled out a list that explained her reasons why August should follow her to Hell.

1. Hell has a much better learning experience

2. Heaven has red grapes, and Hell has green. The dude's surname is literally Green.

3. Asher is an idiot

The list went on, but Asher said that August has done a great deal of good during his life. The angel didn't seem to mind that half the list insulted him. "How did he seem when he met you?", the angel asked softly.

"He screamed", Demi replied plainly.

Diamond snorted. "But he was really nice after I calmed him down.", Demi remembered. After August Green got over the initial shock, he asked if she wanted three sugar cubes in her tea. Demi suddenly frowned, "August only arrived a few hours ago. I went back to my room to recharge my bracelet and get a cat nap".

"Oh yeah, he's been chatting with Mona in the waiting room", Diamond said. "He can go to Heaven. He deserves it.", Demi said and Diamond pouted. They left the throne room and went towards the waiting room at the end of the hall.

August looked nervous as the demon approached him. But his eyes brightened at the sight of Demi. It calmed him to see a familiar face. Asher spread out his wings and asked August to hold onto his hand.


"You better hold on dude, otherwise you'll go splat", Diamond grinned making August gape at her. "I'm already dead", he argued. "Maybe, but people don't have nine lives", Diamond blew a raspberry at Asher, hissed at August, and mockingly bowed to Demi before spreading out her black wings and flying away.

August was now pale. "I won't let you fall. It's my job to get you to your resting place", Asher confided. Demi chuckled. "I'll leave you to fix things yeah?", and she left, ready to get back to the human world.

"Thank you!", August yelled. "Come on, Heaven has the most amazing red grapes", Asher said excitedly.

"My surname is Green"

"Do you want to go back with Diamond?"


"That's what I thought".

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