ℜ𝔬𝔶𝔞𝔩'𝔰 ℌ𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔯 (𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔙)

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Isabella noticed her sister looking happier than usual during dinner. Edward seemed to be smiling as well. She looked at her mother and father who sneaking glances at Olivia.

Very subtle, she thought.

"How are you enjoying your stay so far?" asked King Minton loudly. "It's been quite pleasant, thank you" said Edward politely. He looked at his sister. "Oh- yes...I've always heard about the great praises of this kingdom, but seeing it makes it much more enjoyable" said Rose shyly. "That's wonderful news dear" said Lorinda happily. The King nodded along.

"I would actually like to say something to you all" Edward said as they finished eating. The Queen was drinking wine and froze. She gently set it back down.

"You all have been so generous to our family and our kingdom for generations, and I cannot think of any better allies. You have graciously welcomed us and for that, we are truly thankful" Edward bowed his head slightly.

"I have some news and I want you all to know before anyone else does. I-"

Edward was interrupted when they heard loud noises. Two guards burst in and held their swords threateningly. They heard shouts from outside. Isabella held her sister's hand tight.

"I must see him- it is urgent- You fools, let me pass!"

A scrawny man came in, holding a scroll and looking terrified. "My lord! My lord!" he cried when he saw Edward. Knights began to close in on him.


Edward's voice was clear. The knights looked at their king and lowered their swords. "Master...my dear master...my poor master" the man whimpered and fell on his knees. Edward bent down and looked at him sternly. "Why are you here Stebbin? You are supposed to be at the palace" he said. "It's...it's..." he took deep breaths. The King and Queen were at their feet now, and Rose had run to her brother.

"What is it?" she asked, looking terrified. The man stared at them and his watery eyes turned to Edward and Rose.

"The King of Stallian is dead"


Edward had to return to Stallian for a couple more days. Rose had gone with him, red eyed. Olivia stayed in her room most of the time while the King and Queen gave their sympathies to the young lord.

"Edward's becoming King. He was the only one suitable, since the Prince died years ago" Adam told Isabella quietly. "Poor Edward...first his mother and older brother, now his father" Olivia said sadly.

The three siblings were in Olivia's room, gazing at the beautiful horizon. "How did they die?" asked Adam. "It's not polite to say that Adam..." said Olivia. But Adam looked at Olivia pleadingly. "His mother died as soon as Rose was born, she was really ill. He was only four. As for Caspian, there was an attack on his carriage a few months ago, his body was never found" she added the last bit bitterly.

"Are they in a happy place with Grandma?" asked Adam.

"I hope so" Olivia muttered. "What was he going to announce?" asked Isabella. Olivia stayed quiet at this. "I don't know Bella" she said softly. Isabella wasn't sure if she believed her.


"My lady, the king and queen wishes for you to come to the throne room" said a timid looking maid. Isabella bookmarked the page she was reading, thanked the maid and hurried to the throne room. The knights, the lords and ladies of the court, her siblings and her parents were already there. She stood next to her sister and her stomach flipped. King Edward was muttering something into a knight's ear. She looked around for Lady Rose and saw her, looking miserable. "How are you?" asked Isabella softly, not wanting to upset the girl. Rose turned to her, looking politely puzzled. "It's obvious you look a little...err...down" she said. Rose nodded. "What's the court here for?" asked Isabella. "It's about-" she was cut off as King Minton stood.

"Members of the royal court, we are already aware of Stallian's delicate situation. First of all, we would like to offer our sympathies to the king of Stallain" he said gravely and Edward nodded. "King Edward has an announcement to make" Minton turned to the new king, who looked at them. "I was about to announce something very important to you all, but my...ahem...delicate situation prevented me from saying anything. My father had an idea to bind our kingdoms with a union. It was his last wish, and with the permission from the king and queen...that union will be possible"

The entire room were on pins and needles.

"I am engaged to Princess Olivia of Oplin, and I hope that you all will accept my invitation to our wedding" Edward smiled and took Olivia's hand and squeezed it reassuringly.


"Did you know about this?" demanded Isabella. Olivia looked at her warily. "Well he proposed, I accepted" she said shortly. "That was his big announcement? He's a great person and all, but marrying him? Do you really want that?" Isabella asked. "I said yes Bella, it's my choice. We've been great friends and we'll be stronger together. The kingdoms can be benefited from this union" Olivia said, pacing in her room. "The kingdom? What about you? I-" began Isabella. "It's my choice" she repeated, "I can take care of myself Isabella". The young sister looked at her sibling and sighed. "Fine" she muttered and left the room. You must do what's right, Olivia told herself. I'll grow to love him...someday.


Isabella was walking furiously down the corridor when she bumped into Sir James. "Whoa, easy there" he teased but noticed her unhappy expression. "Are you alright?" he asked softly. "Olivia's engagement to King Edward...it happens right after the peace treaty" she said bitterly. James understood.

"You think your sister's marriage is part of the treaty?" asked James and Isabella nodded. He fell quiet. "What?" asked Isabella. "Has it ever occurred to you...that maybe your sister wants to marry King Edward?" the knight asked. Isabella opened her mouth furiously to retort and James waved his hands hastily. "I mean...they've been close friends, haven't they? Your sister is nineteen, and beautiful- don't interrupt-" he warned but Isabella was grinning. "I'd much rather have you as a brother in law than King Edward, he's good and all that...but I-". James looked at her curiously. "We used to do everything together, we read stories to each other, we'd sneak into the kitchens, we comforted each other, we even hid the knights' swords in the broom closets-don't interrupt" she added coolly, but James couldn't help but comment, "That was you two? Dang, we got into so much trouble for that". "I just didn't expect her to get married so soon...she's been in my life ever since I was born...I can't imagine a life without her" Isabella said. "I know what you mean...I've known Kenton and Alex my whole life...it's kind of selfish of us to say that they shouldn't leave us. One day...we grow up, and learn the meaning of duty" James said.

"What if I don't want to grow up?" asked Isabella miserably.

"That's what I thought too...it just happens Isa, so maybe it's best if you let life take its course. Live the moment...and try and be happy for Princess Olivia"

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