ᗯⓗ𝐚丅 丅𝕀мe 𝕀ᔕ 𝕀丅? 𝐒𝓊ммeя 丅𝕀мe! (𝓟𝐚я丅 𝕀)

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Note to self.

When your teacher storms into the classroom, with a scowl that would make Carl Fredricksen from UP proud, kindly request a bathroom pass.

Because when Mr. Meek announced that we would have a pop quiz, everybody looked at him like he was crazy.

While I waited for the rest of my classmates to finish, I glanced at my teacher.

He looks angry for some reason. I feel bad now. It's the last day of school, and then we're all free for summer.

Then it clicked.

His usual coffee cup wasn't on his desk.

Ah, that clears up a lot.

I'll pray for the barista. Just to be on the safe side.

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Let's get this cleared up. I don't understand why we have to wake up early in the morning.

I'm not a plant, I don't do photosynthesis.

Because if it wasn't obvious, I hate waking up in the morning. I have a very good reason for that.

When you sleep, your problems don't come at you like Jack in the box. Plus, you get good dreams and nightmares. You'll know how warped and weird your mind is if you get terrible nightmares. Your subconsciousness knows you well, so it's like you have a friend.

Tori has nightmares once a week. Or at least to me they're nightmares. To her, they're like descriptions of the universe. To her, we're ants in uncharted territory. There's always more to discover, and Tori made sure that she reminded me of that every day.

But that's why I like Tori. If I knew all the details of her that I know now, I would still approach her at preschool recess. She always played in the sand pit, so I asked why.

"I'm studying the movement and teamwork of these ants. Did you know that ants have 250,000 brain cells? It won't be long before they plan to invade us"

We spent the rest of recess trying to devise a plan to stop the ant invasion. I'm pretty sure I still have those plans written in pink and blue chalk somewhere safe. Just in case the ants find it and decide to use it against us.

Tori and I are best friends, but we never put a label on it. We understood each other, and that was more than enough for us.

"I can't believe Mr. Meek gave us a test! I mean, it's the last day at school!" I groaned, banging my head on my locker. "What did you expect? Students suddenly start dancing and singing 'What time is it?'" Tori replied, drawing something on her hand with a sharpie. "That would be much better" I replied. "You can't dance to save your life" quipped Tori.

Damn, she called me out like that.

"What are you going to do during winter break?" I decided to change the subject. "Observe humans in natural habitat and dissect a frog," she said, yanking my hand and drawing patterns.

Now, I would say "Don't spy on people, just observe them since spying without consent will land you in jail". But people don't seem to notice Tori's interest in them. She went up to an old woman and straight up asked her what she ate for breakfast.

It was oatmeal.

When I finally got my arm back, I saw that Tori had drawn little stars on my wrist like a bracelet.

Did I mention Tori loved to draw?

Her notes have adorable doodles.

Tori didn't look like she had a vivid personality. She had green eyes, wavy black hair with bangs, and peachy skin. She was really smart too.

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