ᗯⓗ𝐚丅 丅𝕀мe 𝕀ᔕ 𝕀丅? 𝐒𝓊ммeя 丅𝕀мe! (𝓟𝐚я丅 𝕀𝕀)

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Tori and I were planning to have a binge watch night with Alexis, who was in our physics class. We finally decided to watch Stranger Things (again). Half way through episode three, I heard the doorbell ring. My mom came down the stairs, looking confused. "Did you order anything?", she asked. We shook our heads. "It's probably Mrs. Doyler asking about her cats...or hamsters...or dogs...or snakes", I shrugged. That woman loved her pets. Felix tried to pet the snake once when it got loose from its cage. Dad is the main reason that Felix wasn't snake-food. Although, Ms. Doyler did confirm that Greenie (That's the snake's name, I don't know why, because it was actually black and orange) was harmless and preferred to not have humans before breakfast.

It took Mom a few minutes to understand that sentence.

"Maybe it's the axe-murderer", Tori suggested. "I really hope it's the latter then", shaking her head, Mom went to answer the door.

"Wait for it...wait for it!" Alexis chanted.

"Friends. Don't. Lie"

"Yes! Iconic!"

I burst into a fit of giggles when Tori and Alexis went into a heated debate about her theories on Eleven, or El. I decided to get more popcorn and saw Mom in the kitchen.

Looking through the mail.

"The mailman just delivered our mail. On Tuesday, at 8.30pm", she said incredulously. My eyebrows furrowed. They usually deliver our mail on Saturday mornings. I saw some bills, a pamphlet on 'Healthy eating', an envelope addressed to-


I picked up the letter while Mom went through the pamphlet. "Ten ways to lose ten pounds", she read and engrossed herself in that article.

The envelope was sealed with wax. It was a blue circle with an owl emblazed in the middle. Right beneath the logo, there were initials.


Ok...either my Hogwarts letter finally decided to arrive or this was a prank.

I eagerly opened it, almost getting a paper cut. There was a pamphlet and a letter inside.

Dear Miss Meilyn Vega,

We invite you to spend the day at the library with a select group of peers. The event will take place on June 10th. As part of the society's responsibilities, transportation will be handled. Approximately eight o'clock sharp, we will pick you up and bring you home safely around one o'clock. During the event, lunch will also be provided. To ensure your safety and others' safety, we will provide a fully insured and licensed transport service. This will pick you up and drop you off at the specified times. The event will also provide lunch for attendees, as well as workshops to learn and have fun. If you are interested, please send an email to theowlsociety@gmail.com and contact 0987654321 if you have any further questions or concern.


Mrs. Antonia Agards,


The Owl Society.

I took a peek at the pamphlet which showed all the exciting opportunities this society had to offer.

I mean, this isn't Hogwarts...but it looked ok? I guess...

But July 10th is my abuela's 78th birthday and there's no way I'm missing that.

See, easy decision.

So I don't know why I kept the letter and the pamphlet.

But all the same.

I did.

                                                                                       ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇


My mother gave me the look. "What's a 'G-madre'"?, my dad asked.

"You know...like madre means 'mother' in Italian, and a capital G in front because that's the letter that starts with the word 'Grandmother'. I thought it would be a cool nickname", I grinned.

"You are not calling your grandmother 'G-madre'!"

"Okay, what about...Insta-Gram? Cause you look amazing today abuela!", i said as she kissed me on the cheek. My mom threw me an unimpressed look.

"Yeah ok, I got it"

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