ℜ𝔬𝔶𝔞𝔩'𝔰 ℌ𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔯 (𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 ℑℑ)

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Isabella Rooks laid on her bed, her blue eyes wide open. She looked blankly up at the ceiling, her mind filled with questions, doubts and excitement.

She grabbed a pillow and put it over her face, hoping it would make her fall asleep, but all it did was almost suffocate her. Groaning, she got out of her bed and started to get ready for the day. After deciding to go with a long white dress with a dark blue ribbon around the waist, she looked up at her red hair.

Her mother had always advised her to put her hair in a plait so it wouldn't be a curly monstrosity the following morning. But with her excitement, her hair looked like it had been electrified. She looked at her hairbrush and then her hair.

Wincing as the brush made contact with her hair, Isabella tried desperately to tame her hair quickly.

"Well that was easy" the sixteen year old muttered sarcastically and looked in the mirror.

Simple and perfect.

Isabella didn't hate dresses, but her mother was a strict woman. Anything that seemed slightly boyish on women infuriated her. Isabella didn't understand why, seeing as pants were much more comfortable when riding horses.

Sighing, she left her chambers and longed for breakfast. Even if it meant facing her father's pep talks in the early morning. "Good morning" she said and sat down next to her nineteen year sister, Olivia.

Olivia's blonde hair was styled into a bun and her green eyes seemed to glisten every time. Isabelle envied her looks in the past, but learnt to slowly appreciate herself. After all, her sister meant everything to her.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" asked her fourteen year old brother, Adam. "What?" asked Isabelle. Adam held up a green ribbon cheekily. "I knew it! You stole it! Why you little-" Isabella fumed as she stood up. She wasn't really worried about the ribbon, but her grandmother had given it to her, saying that it should be a sign of hope if anything were to happen. Olivia held her hand as a warning. "Let me take care of this Bella" Olivia whispered into her little sister's ear. Still staring daggers at her younger brother, Isabella sat down.

"Adam, the most curious thing has happened yesterday. I went to talk with the cook and she told me some very disturbing news. Inside her favourite pot, instead of being clean, were six frogs" said Olivia, smiling.

"F-Frogs?" asked Adam, looking nervous.

"The cook actually counted?" asked Isabella, trying to cover a snort.

"Yes, frogs...it's most unfortunate, since that pot is what cooked one of the greatest feasts in Oplin. The cook is quite upset" said Olivia sadly.

"She is?" asked Adam, who was fond of the cook.

"The pot is that old?" said Isabella, unable to hide her disgust.

"I say, weren't you the one who went riding on the creek? Maybe a couple of frogs decided to take a ride with you" said Olivia coolly. "But...if someone were to apologise to her, I'm sure she'd let it slide. Maybe she would make them their favourite dessert"

Adam immediately stood up. "I- er- have to go...be right back" he shouted and zoomed out of the room. Giggling, Isabella took the ribbon back. "Good one" she said and quickly hid it a small pocket she had created on all her dresses. "Well that's new" Olivia said. Isabelle shrugged. "How come we can't see it?" her sister asked.

"Guess mom's sewing lessons paid off" 

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