ℜ𝔬𝔶𝔞𝔩'𝔰 ℌ𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔯 (𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 ℑℑℑ)

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"Please forgive me my lord, my father has a few council matters he must urgently attend to...my sister was very young when she came here, so I thought she might enjoy the beauty of your fine kingdom" Lord Edward said with a charming smile.

Isabella remembered Edward. He was the same age as Olivia and would always make time to play with her when he came to Oplin. She had never met Edward's sister though. Lady Rose had black hair and grey eyes like her brother. Unlike her brother, she looked timid.

"For this new peace treaty King Minton, the people have high hopes" said Lord Edward and Queen Lorinda nodded. "Yes yes...we shall discuss this in the throne room of course. You must be tired from your journey...get some rest" said the king gently.

When the guests had retired to their chambers, a guard came running, looking slightly flustered. "Yes?" asked Queen Lorinda with impatience. "Forgive me for disturbing you your highnesses, but there has been a small situation on the South Side of town. A salesman is asking for the court"

Frowning, King Minton came to the throne room where members of the court were muttering something feverishly and a few knights were standing guard. The salesman looked troubled and his eyes widened at the sight of the king. "Why did you summon an audience?" asked Lorinda sharply.

The salesman bowed before talking. "I'm a simple merchant in the south side your excellences. There has been a robbery in my shop. He took some daggers and some apples...and he stole a necklace as well from another man. That old man didn't seem very bothered though, he left before I could talk with him. The thief went over the wall"

There was a silence.

"Very well, if that is all...you may leave. As for the stolen goods, I believe that you know the rules. No one is allowed to enter the dark forest. I send out a patrol only once a year, it's a miracle the knights survive. The thief will perish in the forests no doubt" King Minton said and rose out of his throne.

"Oh yes your majesty, I understand. But...there was a rope hanging on the wall. The thief grabbed it and pulled it my lord. The rope pulled up and the thief escaped" said the salesman.

The members looked at their king and then back at the salesman.

"The rope pulled up?" asked the king, amazed. His eyebrows furrowed. "Sir Kenton, you were on the patrol for last year's dark forest scavenge I believe" called the King.

Sir Kenton looked surprised. He had blond hair with sharp blue eyes. "Yes my lord, I was on the patrol" he answered.

"And did you see anyone?"

Kenton was itching to answer that he saw his fellow knights but said, "I saw no one my lord".

"Very well. Now, that will be all" the king said firmly and went out of the room with his wife. "You really don't think there could be people out there do you?" asked Lorinda anxiously.

"Lorinda please...that forest is dangerous. I still have nightmares from when I last visited. And Cecil..." the king broke off. "Let's focus on the peace treaty" he said so firmly that Lorinda didn't question him again.


Isabella saw Lady Rose in the gardens. "Hello there" she smiled. Rose jumped and blushed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Isabella apologized. Rose didn't reply. "Are you alright?" she asked, looking concerned. "No, I'm well. I'm just...I don't talk that much...not that there's anything wrong with people talking of course" Rose said quietly. Isabella nodded. "What do you think of Oplin?" asked Isabella. "Oh, it's marvelous. I've read about it so many times...but seeing it like this" Rose said happily. She looked quite excited about the subject. Isabella smiled and showed Rose around the gardens while the peace treaty was being discussed. 

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