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Everyone said how amazing it would be to be an adult. Pay for your own food, eat whatever you want, freedom...but no one mentioned the bills we had to pay and the horrible people we would meet.

Being a possible candidate for the next editor of the biggest newspaper was...definitely something.

People were suddenly a lot nicer and I had to make small talk with everyone. One guy even gave me his phone number and said he was free.

I wasn't. And it didn't matter, because I'm pretty sure he's married or engaged or something like that.

I'm smart. No point in being humble. Always have been. I was supposed to be the valedictorian on graduation day.

I was given the opportunity.


It doesn't matter now.

I tried not to groan at the sight of all the papers across my desk. I was tired. I did not have my morning cup of coffee.

By some miracle, I dragged myself into the room where we have our News Meetings.

"Good morning people. I know you're all pissed that the Friday Night Game was rescheduled, but we have to hustle. Personally, I want to get off these high heels and get into bed, but I'm here since it's my turn to handle the meeting. And no, I don't know why Brian chose me to be the next editor, so get off my back Chet. Logan also looks happy this morning because he knows I'm going to screw this whole thing up. I want to be the editor too, Logan, you're just another candidate so wipe that cheeky smile off your face. Thank you. All right, let's begin!"

I did say this. Well...the first sentence anyway. The rest was just me rambling about how grateful I am for this opportunity and thanking Mr. Colstone, or as we call him, Brian. Finally, we got back on track.

"I need politics news first!", I said.

"Deathly ill-"

"I don't want dying politicians Andrew...this country needs hope, not lose what little we have"

"Scandal hookup-"

"Absolutely not! What are we? A gossip rag? Go work in the street across Miles, you'll fit right in"

"A look at the politics in the past few years?"

"Not good enough, maybe you can add that to a history book"

"How about Congress Crisis?"

I raised my eyebrow. We all turned to a timid Asian girl. From what I remember, she's the new girl. "I have an inside source about a crisis that could affect the country. It's really bad. If people heard about this, they would raise matters into their own hands. The news is supposed to deliver anyway"

I nod. My comments have to be harsh when it came to things like this, because the editor we had when I first started, made a girl quit her job after the first hour. Anyway, we're all used to criticism. We just tell the news, not make it up.

Then we move on to fashion ("We are not showing the polka dot dress again"), movies ("Let's try not to mention that all that happened was that Gwen died in 'The Amazing Spiderman: 2' yeah?") before finally moving on to crime.

"An old lady's purse was stolen"

Ah yes, the usual stuff.

"Stolen goods from a grocery store"

"What did they steal?", I asked.

"Onions and carrots...to add to their soup"

Ladies and gentlemen, that article is Pulitzer worthy.

"How about some old crime?", asked a voice.


Ah crap.

I looked at him and asked "Old crime?" in a sweet voice, when I actually meant, "Just explain the damn idea instead of having dramatic pauses".

Logan grinned and cleared his throat. He showed an old news paper dating back eight years.

I froze.




He couldn't know-

Unless he checked my records?

Everyone gathered around the table, craning their neck.


Memorial of Bellamy Blake

The memorial of Bellamy Blake, a senior student from Palmer State High is to be held on the 20th of November, 2014. Miss Blake was presumed missing on October 28th 2014, after she was in the school in the afternoon organizing the upcoming Halloween party. Miss Blake's best friend, Shiloh West said that Bellamy was finishing up the decorations. Everyone else left due to personal matters. After an extensive search party, Miss Blake's dead body was found in the caves of the forest near the school on Halloween Night.

The grieving family wanted the killer in jail before they could plan a memorial. Their wishes were fulfilled when the killer (Maggie Roberts, aged 17) was caught with Bellamy's phone, covered in blood.

The memorial will begin at 2pm in the East Park House. 

"They say the police might open the case.", Logan said. I couldn't breathe. Nononononononononononono. This cannot be happening.

"Why?", asked Andrew.

"Because they found new evidence".

"After five years?", my voice rang out clearly, but I was still shaking.

"Yeah". One syllable. Yet the word terrified me. Nobody noticed my discomfort. "What do you say chief?", asked Brian, smiling at Logan's idea.

I would've glared at Logan if this had been a different news report. Of course, he would find a great crime story on the day I'm managing the meeting. He's buttering Brian, and it should've made me fume.

But all I could do was nod, and just like that, after a few more minutes, the meeting adjourned. "Nice job Meilyn. You handled that very well. I'll see you too later then", Brian went off, leaving me and Logan alone. "I have to say, you looked professional up there", Logan complimented me. I was now standing up, except I couldn't feel my legs. "They caught the killer. Why re-open the case?", I asked. "They must've found new evidence. Maybe a tip-off", Logan shrugged. I nodded. Logan left, but I didn't hear his goodbye.

I looked at the article. Bellamy Blake was smiling back at me. I felt sick. Then I remembered what Logan said. A tip-off? From who? And why now?

I took out my phone and sent a text.

We need to talk. Tomorrow at the same place.

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