jungkook -1

767 20 10

A cute bunny looking boy was sleeping on his bed like a  star fish,pillows spread all over the bed,blanket on the floor,chips,chocolate rappers,ps5 controller lying on the floor,all in all the room was a complete mess giving a strong competition to the trash can but did kook cared nah..why would he...? He is the maknane of the family and is spoiled by all his hyungs especially jin the eldest

Bun wakey wakey it's time for school said jin stroking the bunny boy's hairs,and the said bunny boy just snuggled more into his tiger plushie gifted by none other than his Taehyungie hyung and jin being the whipped creature for kook cooed at his actions bunny wakey, I have made your fav banana milk and sandwich for the breakfast, don't you wanna eat it again tried waking up the soundly sleeping boy ruffling his brown silky hairs. And the said bunny boy woke up and sat on the bed with half closed eyes and an adorable pout on his face and jin in no time picked up the sleepy bunny and went to washroom to wake the sleepy bunny splashing the cold water on his face

Hungieeee waeee I wanna sweep more whined kook and jin chuckled at his baby talk yaah bunny come downstairs fast ok..?otherwise that grumpy cat will scold you early in the morning said jin hyung iam not a kid now,you can't scold me ..I will do everything by my wish said jungkook opening his eyes completely and jin somehow felt bad yaah yaah big boy come downstairs said jin and went out

Soon after 20 minutes kook came downstairs hopping like a bunny he is don't jump brat said yoongi sipping on his coffee to which kook paid no heed and plopped on the couch resting his head on Taehyung's laps and Taehyung lovingly caressed hi hairs kook have breakfast bun,then I will drop you at school to which kook nodded and had his breakfast

Bun pay attention to the class and don't create any trouble said Taehyung stopping the car at the school gate and baby don't  create  any trouble ok..? Said namjoon ruffling his hairs and if something happened at school or if someone bully you then don't hesitate to call hyungs ok ..? Said Taehyung and now kook was irritated as he saw some of his classmates were laughing  and making fun of his hyungs babying him what am I..? a five year old huh..? Iam a 17 year grown old ass men stop babying Me atleast when we aren't at home seethed kook and angrily marched towards his class and taejoon both didn't liked the changed behaviour of thier maknae but shrugged it off and drove towards their office

It wasn't like jungkook didn't liked the attention he get from his hyungs actually he loves it..he loves when suga the grumpy cat isn't annoyed by him but everyone, he loves it when joon takes his side everytime, he loves it when jin makes his favourites every possible he loves it when Taehyung and jimin takes him to long rides he loves it when his hobi hyung always try to save him when he Is in trouble..but now a days he is irritated by his hyungs treating him like a baby as he is in his teens and he too wants to do everything which every teen is doing these days like partying,going out alone roaming on the streets,bunking the classes and etc and in all these chaos going ompn in his head he isn't actually realising how his changed behaviour is hurting his hyungs

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