TAEHYUNG--not enough..?!

370 19 10

Amidst the silent night Taehyung released a frustrated sigh as he banged his fist against his study table and grabbed his hair literally pulling them out of his scalp and cried silently not able to handle the frustration anymore and the sounds kept echoing in his head like a broken tape recorder woow jiminiee hyungs are proud of you baby,you did so well ,your hard work paid off Minnie, you are the pride of our group ,we are honoured to have a cute little chim who is best in all aspects singing, dancing, a d on top of that you topped in your school with 1st rank,we are proud of you Minnie more tears rolled down on his bread cheeks as he remembered how proud his hyungs were of jimin,well Taehyung wasn't jealous he too was proud of jimin for being an absolute all rounder but what about him ..?

He too worked hard weather it be in singing, dancing or studying...he too tried and practiced his ass off but didn't got the expected result so do he not deserve any appreciation..? No,he didn't wanted his hyungs to arrange a whole damn parade with camels,and elephants with a flag dancing for him...he just wanted a tiny bit of appreciation as motivation so that he too can achieve such milestone,but what his hyungs did.?they literally said him hurtful things like why can't you be like chim,why are you so unserious, why are you always acting like a kid,why are you so noisy and whiney, for God's sake you aren't baby anymore grow up boy,even kook is more mature than you the voices were still ringing in his head making him more insecure,he was trying hard to control his sobs and he hurried to his closet and took out a cigarette and ran upstairs not caring that it was 2am in the morning and started smoking crying like a pathetic failure, atkeast that's what he thought about himself

After what felt like an hour and after smoking like 5-6 cigarettes Taehyung was a bit calm and made his way downstairs without making any noise as everyone were fast asleep and he too plopped on the bed covering himself with the blanket and in no time he slept cause of crying so much

It was 7am in the morning that's when namjoon barged in the room to wake up the second maknae of the group as it was his turn ti drop maknae line school today and what he saw made his anger reach high,,there Taehyung was fast asleep without any care and books scattered all over his study table...namjoon marched towards Taehyung's bed angrily and yelled wake up Taehyung, it's time for school and Taehyung woke up with a jerk and gave a nervous smile to namjoon who rolled his eyes and said get ready for school you brat it's almost time for school and here you are still sleeping even after literally getting 4 Fs and 2Bs scolded namjoon with a harsh tone and went out not really realising how his words affected Taehyung

With teary eyes Taehyung got up from his bed got ready for the school and made his way towards the living room where he saw naming feeding jikook with oh so lovingly and he clenched his jaw and took deep deep breaths as to not cry like a crybaby as he is not the baby of the group he should be a little mature

Look whose here the great kim Taehyung aka V mocked suga as he saw Taehyung going towards the dining table and Taehyung shrugged it off as he really don't wanted to cry cause of such little thing and hail another title of crybaby

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