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Two boys one of age 5 and one of age 7 were playing in the backyard and the older boy rolled in the mud like a pig and the younger one just stared at him with disappointment before approaching him taetae you shouldn't be rolling on the mud like this uttered the younger boy with a hint of disappointment and older boy just gave a boxy smile and again started playing in mud making his white shirt to turn completely brown and muddy and the younger huffed in annoyance go do whatever you want iam not talking to you anymore and stomped out from thier seeing this Taehyung got serious and immediately got up from the mud and followed him behind

the younger was now running as the older was chasing him giggling and that's when jungkooks stepped on the tail of the dog and the dog growled, terrified kook started running with a fast pace as the dog chased the boy and Taehyung was behind kook trying to protect him from the dog bite and he successfully protected kook as the mad dog bit Taehyung. Kook immediately stopped running as he sensed no presence of dog behind him but his eyes widened in utter shock as he  psaw Taehyung sitting on the ground with a bloody feet and palm as the dog bit him on his palm and he hurt his feet tripping over a stone

Jungkook with teary eyes immediately ran to Taehyung and started crying his eyes out but their sat Taehyung unfazed. And hearing his cries some passerby helped the boys to home.

And the dog  which chased kook was never seen again .....

●●●Taehyung was now 15 years old and kook was 13 years old ●●●

Kook with his newly made friend enjoy approached Taehyung who was sitting under a tree blankly staring at the sky hyungie why are you sitting here alone ? Come let's go and play or we can have out lunch? And and most importantly meet my new friend enwoo introduced kook blabbering and Taehyung sharply gazed at enwoo making the boy scared by his mere glance and enwoo being terrified looked everywhere but Taehyung

Enwoo was taking his books out from locker and that's when  he felt a presence behind him, he looked behind with a scared face and a scared scream left his mouth when he saw Taehyung glaring at him with a murderous gaze stay away from jungkook,  he is mine. Saying this Taehyung turned on his heels to go to his class but stopped if I again find you near kook being all clingy to him then, .... said Taehyung with a creepy smile and enwoo scared asked then..?  Taehyung looked at him and smiled creepily then you will never meet him again and left from their making the boy scared for his dear life. And after that enwoo never met kook.

It was one evening and the jeon house was in a complete chaos as it was the 16th birthday of their dearest kook who was adorned by the whole neighbourhood but the strange thing was Taehyung was literally vanished since last night and he still was not  home which worried the kim couple as well kook to the core and kook completely lost the interest in celebrating his birthday as he didn't saw his Taehyung hyung since last night

Far away from the bright light of  the city in a warehouse there stood Taehyung with bloody hands and a sickening sweet smile on his face looking so proud of his work this is what you get if you flirt with my kook you scumbag  said Taehyung with a low pitch voice and a satisfied smile on his handsome face which was now covered with blood and again stabbing the almost lifeless body of Taehyung's classmate Mark who dared to flirt with kook in Taehyung's absence. After completely disposing his gloves and cleaning off his fingerprints he handled the knife in his hands which looked like he stabbed himself on his own Taehyung left the warehouse not before taking his(mark's)chain  and leaving a death note beside him which stated " I'm so depressed coz of my small size and I can take it anymore,  people insulting me for this "

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