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Y'all ignore the grammatical errors 🥹🥹

Love ya💜

"Fuck this is life, this is the darned freedom, I love this shit, fuck extra classes , fuck exams or whatever the shit it is. Yes this is what an early adult is supposed to do this right jiminee..?" Chirped taehyung swaying his sweaty body following the beats of the music. The music,the flashy lights, the drunk couples the addictive smell of alcohols made the duo crazy, the adrenaline rush of the best friends aka brothers was at its high.

" yes taehyungie, fuck that hectic ass schedule let's enjoy our time today" chirped back jimin dancing like crazy. The duo danced skin to bone and finally made their way towards the bar Iceland to have some drinks to bless their burning throats.


A cuddly bunny groaned in his sleep cause of nature's call and rubbed his eyes and made his way towards the washroom. Coming out of the washroom he looked around and his gut feeling said that he is alone in room which made him turn the lights on.

Turning on the lights he checked the upper bunk of the bunk bed and found none and then checked the side beside his bed but again no sign of either taehyung or jimin. Jungkook panicked and rushed out of the room yelling on his way to alarm his hyungs.

Listening to the loud yellings of their precious maknae the hyungs rushed to the living room with worried faces. Jungkook explained that how he checked for v and jimin but found none. The hyungs got worried thinking about thier precious brothers . But one of the hyung gritted his teeth. " namjoon-ah you take care here I will bring those spoiled kids." Said yoongi the second eldest of the family. Everyone looked at him confused.

" just take care of yourself and I will be here within half an hour with tae and jimin, I know where they might be" said yoongi in finality already making his way out grabbing a jacket on his way. Hobi rushed behind yoongi.

The duo sat in the car and yoongi started the car and within just 10 minutes yoongi stopped the car infront of the bar called " blue diamond" and marched inside with a confused hobi trailing behind him.

Yoonhope looked at Vmin who were having the time of their life with soju in one hand and cig in another exhaling the toxic smoke from their nostrils. Yoongi gritted his teeth and marched towards them with big steps and hobi stood there stunned looking at his little brothers. Soon the shocked expression changed into angry and he trailed behind yoongi who was trying to snatch the cigarette from their hands. Hobi sighed angrily and helped yoongi in dragging both of them out of the club.

Yoonhope threw the almost passed out duo in back seat and drove towards their home. Both yoonhope escorted the passed out duo inside the home and the others gasped in shock as they looked as the devastated state of their brothers. Yoonhope threw them on the couch and they both stumbled on their feet and fell half on the couch and half in the floor.

Jin and Jungkook hurriedly came to Vmin and removed their shoes and laid them on the couch comfortably. Namjoon brought the wet towel and water bowl , handed it to Jin and Jungkook who wiped their sweaty bodies and made them comfort on the couch as they tucked both of them with blankets.

" ok now tell me what's all this.?" Asked Jin, his voice held authority and demand. Yoongi just shrugged and said " spoil them more, and you know where the fuck they both were at..? No right.? They both were at a club almost passed out on the bar Iceland . Others except hobi gasped at the information.

" how..how did you know..?" Asked Jin. Just my sources . Replied yoongi shortly. "And Jin hyung let me deal with this shit". Saying this yoongi went to his room. And others too made their way towards their respective rooms with a disappointing feeling as they never expected Vmin to be like this even in their wildest dream.

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