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Warning: cursing.. cursing and more cursing. And hot headed yoongi.

" stop.. stop... hide you god damn stupid " yelled Jungkook eyes focused on the tv screen with controller in his hands.

" damn.. you stupid bitch.. run faster"yelled Jungkook again more furiously. " damn it you suck at this game you ain't playing with us in the next match"'said Jungkook angrily as he stood up on his feet dragging them towards the kitchen to have some water to bless his burning throat which was on fire coz of the amount of yelling and screaming.

" alright, guys be ready minho you are a noob so you will land first and collect the weapons required and lend them to Kris who is a bit better than you. Kris you will guard tae hyungie. He is the lead player after me. Minho you will guard jiminee if you will be alive. And I will be the center of the match. Alright, set go" instructed Jungkook to all his friends who were playing with him.

The game was going smoothly and that's when " Minho you dumb mother fucker get the weapons you dumb head.. omg ...omg tae tae kill that bitch he is approaching you, jimin hyung run faster or you will die ... omg where the fuck is the Kris now..? Guard him you fucker. If we lost this game then I will never involve you again... " yelled Jungkook frustrated .

" fuck...fuck..fuck yea yea kill that bitch Kris .. you doing great .. Minho learn something from him ... gosh atleast save yourself you dumb fuck run minho .. omg taehyung hyung you are like knight in shining armour thanku for saving me." Yelled Jungkook now standing on the couch.

" hide you motherfucker—-knock. Jungkook paused as he saw his suga hyung leaning on to the door frame with deadly expression. And it was the moment Jungkook knew he fucked up real bad. " friends we will continue the game later " uttered Jungkook still looking at suga with horrified expression.

Jungkook got down from the couch and followed his hyungs gaze which was angrily looking at the messy living room. Jungkook laughed nervously and scratched his nape out of nervousness.

Suga's phone rang and he moved his chilly gaze from Jungkook to his phone. Jungkook thanked god and immediately started cleaning the room but flinched when he heard his hyung yelling in phone " you all really know how to spoil my mood don't you huh..? you are the secretary you should plan the fucking schedules in an orderly manner. So do you still want me to come over there to fix the things ..?? If I come there you have to say goodbye to your precious job." Yelled suga angrily at his secretary who had been slacking off lately coz which he got embarrassed in front of his foreign clients in today's meeting.

Suga went to his room angrily shutting the door closed. Jungkook flinched by the commotion and fastened his pace to not anger his already pissed hyung.

Jungkook was done cleaning and he looked at the controller which looked way more appealing than his undone assignments this moment. Jungkook convinced his mind saying he won't yell and curse and messaged his friends to be online to continue the game.

Jungkook was getting angry each passing second, he was at the verge of losing his calm . Not able to control his temper anymore he smashed the controller on the ground with a loud yell " damn it you son of bitch, you fuck face.. meet me after the school you mother fucker I will see you then" cursed Jungkook at the opposite team who were teasing his team and him for losing the game for fifth time in a day.

It clicked Jungkook that his hyung is sleeping and was not in a very good mood earlier. He turned around to check on his hyung only to witness his suga hyung shooting glares at him. His blood ran cold and eyes resembling to the size of the soccer .

" I..I I didn't Meant to wake you hyung." Stuttered Jungkook slowly taking his steps back. But one glare from suga was enough to make him still on his place. Suga sat on the couch motioning Jungkook to come forward and stand In front of him. Jungkook with hesitant steps moved forward.

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