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Taehyung was the only relative of yoongi. And yoongi being the elder brother of taehyung took care of taehyung with utmost love, care and a little bit strictness only for his betterment. Taehyung was just a 5 year old kid when their parents died in an accident and from then onwards it was yoongi who raised taehyung like his own son. He loved him so much in one word taehyung meant world to him.

Taehyung had a bubbly character, always pranking, but it doesn't mean he was a spoiled brat, cause yoongi didn't let his any mistakes slide just like that . Yoongi sure loved taehyung so much but it doesn't mean he spoiled him.

Where as yoongi had a serious and workaholic personality and he loved his lifestyle eat , work and sleep. But he wasn't cold and authoritative for his brother he was literally the most adorable cat person only for taehyung.

It was Monday today which means school day of taehyung and working day of yoongi. Yoongi being the eldest woke up first and like always went to taehyung's room knowing taehyung will be still sleeping, and yea taehyung was still sleeping with his mouth a little open hugging the pillows. Yoongi shook his head a sigh leaving his mouth. He went to taehyung and shook him a little but taehyung being sleepy bear didn't paid heed to his brother waking him up and continued sleeping.

Yoongi had enough of his tantrums and spanked on his back a lil bit harshly saying " wake up brat" and taehyung hissed in pain and immediately woke up rubbing his back and glared at yoongi and nervously laughed when yoongi glared back with the same intensity.

" hehe good morning meow" said taehyung looking at yoongi who looked at him angrily as taehyung called him meow hyungie taehyung again laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck  " good morning yoonie hyung" said taehyung instantly receiving a " morning brat". Taehyung pouted at the response " stop pouting, you look like a pig" said yoongi. Taehyung looked at him offended " a handsome pig" said and slipped into the bathroom leaving a dumbfounded yoongi behind.

Yoongi was downstairs waiting for taehyung at the dining table and just then taehyung came downstairs wearing the casual clothes not school uniform. Taehyung sat down on the chair " mind to explain " asked yoongi raising his eyebrow " what..?" Said taehyung already stuffing his mouth with pancakes, yoongi shook his head in annoyance.and let him have his breakfast.

Taehyung was done eating and was getting up but sat instantly when yoongi said " did I asked you to get up..?" .

In another five minutes yoongi finished his breakfast as well " mind explaining " said yoongi with an authoritative tone and taehyung looked at him confused " what..?"

" cut the crap and tell me why aren't you in your school uniform" asked yoongi and taehyung looked at him confused " but it's Sunday today and I'm gonna play on ps5 the whole day" said taehyung.

" you sure you aren't high on something " asked yoongi having enough of his drama . Taehyung glared at him " what the fluff hyung..?, you sure you aren't high on something..? Cause today is clearly Sunday" said taehyung being confused.

" shut up brat, I didn't raise you to talk back to me and further it's Monday today , check your phone " said yoongi . Taehyung pulled out his phone instantly and his eyes widened as it was actually Monday not Sunday , he looked at yoongi with puppy eyes and yoongi smirked " told ya" .

" hyungieeee plz let me have a leave today pweaseeee" said taehyung walking behind yoongi who was getting ready in his room. Yoongi stopped his actions and showed him his belt which he was about wear " can you see this ..? " asked yoongi showing him his belt " of course hyung its your belt" said taehyung in a duh tone " exactly it's my belt, which soon I will be hitting you with , if you don't stop your tantrums. Said yoongi sitting on his bed to wear his shoes .

Taehyung again went to yoongi and sat down on the floor near yoongis feet and looked at him with his teary eyes " plzzzzz hyungiee let me have a leave today " said taehyung whining and yoongi looked at him with a bored face " get up and get ready in 20 mins " said yoongi wearing his shoes completely but taehyung hugged his legs sitting on the floor and whined more.

Yoongi had enough of his drama and pulled him from his arms making him stand on his feet and grabbed his shoulder " what the fu*k is your problem huh..?? What's with this whining..??" Asked yoongi in his low pitch voice scaring the poor boy who almost looked like he will cry at any time . Yoongi sighed irritated " what's wrong tae.? " asked yoongi in a soft voice and taehyung immediately hugged him sobbing and yoongi caressed his back to calm him.

After what felt like 5 minutes taehyung was calm " ok now tell me what's wrong and what's with this drama huh..? Asked yoongi " umm Yesterday I thought it's Sunday today and I planned so many things to do and knowing today isn't Sunday I got shocked and didn't really felt like going to school " said taehyung with a pout looking down.

" woah just cause you didn't felt like going , you caused such a big drama huh..? Such a drama king you are.." said yoongi glaring at his baby brother and taehyungs pout grew bigger " take me with you hyungieee pweasee " said taehyung caressing yoongis cheeks " your tricks won't work on me kid, so better get ready before I turn your ass into a deep shade of red " said yoongi in a fake angry tone.

Taehyung stood up and glared at yoongi with teary eyes  muttered " meanie" and went out. Yoongi grinned " you have 10 mins to get ready, you rat" yelled yoongi from his room " yes sir I know" yelled back taehyung.

Yoongi was driving the car and taehyung was looking down with red nose and pouty lips " get out" said yoongi stopping the car and taehyung hopped out of the car still looking down but yelled surprised when he found himself infront of yoongis office and yoongi covered his ears and yelled still sitting in the car " do you want to go back to school " and taehyung instantly replied " no thanks " and ran inside . " aish this dramatic brat of mine " muttered yoongi looking at taehyung running towards the office tripping here and there.

Heyaaa , how's this.??
Ik ik it's not that good but I don't know out of nowhere I felt like writing taegi..!! Hehe

!! Hehe

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