jungkook 2

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It was a week since jin freed jungkook and let him be the Big boy he wanted to be

Ahhh why I have to cook snacks for me ...?can't suga hyung or jin hyung do it for me , huff after all iam the youngest of all they shouldn't be so cold to me whined jungkook trying to cook a packet of ramen,suga was passing by the kitchen but paid no heed to the whiny boy and made his way towards the living room  and plopped on the couch and slept in no time

It was same since a week ..kook enjoyed it to the fullest for the first two days but after that it was getting difficult for him to manage all by himself like going to school by public transport, cooking the after school snacks by himself ,cleaning the room by himself, doing homework without any help ,it was all so much for him to handle afterall he was raised like a little Prince by his hyungs and now he was regretting being the Big boy but he didn't showed it cause of his ego

And it wasn't like his hyungs didn't noticed all of it they were noticing how their maknae was pouring all his hardwork in being a big boy and also noticed how he is so close to give up but still not giving up and they all whole heartedly appreciated his not gonna give up any soon attitude

It was evening and jk was on the way to his home ...but never in his dream he thought he would cross the paths with minho and his gang out of the school campus and he was terrified looking at them but didn't showed it oh look the so called big boy is here said minho mocking jk cut the crap minho and clear my way iam in no mood to have a fight right now said jk getting irritated oh as you wish your highness said minho in a mocking tone and jk clenched his fist in anger go get him guys ordered minho to his gang and sat on his bike like a punk he is

The gang and jk started fighting, as jk was alone the gang beated him pretty well and left leaving a bruised jk who was silently crying due to pain,he stood up and again started walking as he remembered the good old days when vminkook used to go to school together and how vmin beated the shit outta the one who bullied jungkook, a tear slipped from his doe eyes as he remembered how even after graduating vmin used to come pick him from the school.

After what felt like an eternity jk finally reached home and saw his brothers watching TV..he stared at them with teary eyes and jin noticed and hurried towards the maknae with worried eyes and all the others followed him and saw the bruises on his face hands and legs bunny what happened to you did someone beat you ..?did you got into fight with someone asked jin cupping his face and that's all kook hugged jin tightly and started crying loudly and everyone looked at their maknae with so adoration as he looked so smol and cute in jins embrace , exactly like a baby he is

Jin carried the crying bunny to the living room and jimin brought water for him which he gulped in one go and again hugged jin and started complaining about everything from how minho beated him to how lonely he felt sleeping alone, cooking snacks by himself, and etc like a kid complaining to his father and everyone listened ro his rant giving all their attention to him

I no want to become big boy cried jungkook again oh so someone don't want to be big boy now hmm..? Mocked suga with a teasing tone and kook whined jinnie hyungiiee cat is being meanie to me complained kook like a kid and everyone laughed at thier poor maknae ok enough jungkook now get up from  me said jin jungkook...?who jungkook iam bunny ain't I..? Said kook pouting like a kid who bunny I don't know any bunny ...do you all know any bunny teased jin and jungkook whined hitting jin arms ok now enough, let's discuss your punishment bunny as the bunny was really a disrespectful brat since days said namjoon to which the said bunny boy nodded his head like a kicked puppy

What Is my punishment hyung asked jk YOU ARE GROUNDED BRAT said suga with a mischievous grin and everyone laughed at their maknae....

That's it hope you all liked it
Thanku for reading
Love ya ❣

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