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" I will be a vampire  " said the maknae of the clan grinning with weird smile.

" no you will be a bunny, I'm the one who has that aura and elegance of a vampire" objected jimin.

Jungkook and others looked at jimin and burst into fits of laughter. Jimin glares at him angrily not liking how his siblings are laughing at him.

" what's so funny in that..?, why you both are laughing like as if I cracked a joke." Asked jimin sternly standing up on his feet with hands on his hips. This time taehyung laughed so hard that he fell down on the floor beside Jungkook who was laughing and wiping his tears simultaneously.

" oh jiminshii you are talking about being vampire Haha lol, look at yourself, you are short hyung.. you should grow up more" said kookie controlling his laugh and wiping his tears in between. This angered jimin, he glared at the duo laughing rolling on the floor and stomped out angrily.

" jiminieee listen I think you should become a clown or something " yelled taehyung controlling his laugh.


The maknae were playing basketball and unfortunately jimin couldn't make the last basket coz of which they lost the game. Taekook glared at jimin who looked down accepting his fault.

" haha look at this midget can't even make a goal, you should grow up more to play this game lol" said the boy laughing and mocking jimin who had tears in his eyes. He was expecting taekook to say something on his behalf but taekook didn't said anything instead glared at jimin angrily and stomped out of the court.

Jimin followed them with his head hanging low. The maknae were walking to home. " you should grow up more jimin hyung, coz of you we lost the match" said Jungkook with a disappointing tone completely ignoring how his words are hurting his hyung who is walking behind them with head hung low and teary eyes. And the cold shoulder his soulmate was giving him added more to his misery.

" I'm...I'm sorry" mumbled jimin trying hard not cry out loud. Taekook completely ignored and walked fast, leaving jimin alone.

The trio came home. Two fuming in anger coz they lost in game and one gloomy and sad coz he was the reason they lost the game.

Sensing the tension in the air their eldest hyung decided to take the matter in his hands and came to living room where suga was napping with his head resting on namjoons lap who was reading a book. His high spirited brother the sunshine of the fam was in the kitchen helping who trailed behind . Jimin was silently sitting doing nothing and taekook were glaring at him furiously.

Jin observed the change in behaviour of the maknae line . He decided to ask taekook who were glaring at poor jimin ferocious.

" tae, what's the matter ..? You seem angry." Asked Jin taking his seat on the couch beside namjoon.

Taehyung groaned and answered rudely " ask him". Everyone in the hall were taken aback by his rude behaviour. Suga groaned opening his eyes still laying on couch.

" what's with This tone" asked Jin authoritatively. But taehyung glared at Jin too. Shocking the heck out of everyone. " what..? Why are you all glaring at me like I committed a sin" scoffed taehyung rolling his eyes. Jin gritted his teeth in anger and looked at Jungkook for the answer but he looked down immediately knowing taehyung has fucked up bad. He cursed taehyung under his breath for such absurd behaviour knowing it will make both of them end up bending over his hyungs knee.

Jin then looked at jimin who was crying silently looking down. " what happened jiminah..?, tell me baby." Said Jin in a soft tone. Taehyung scowled and said " what will happen to him..? He is the reason we are losers in today's match" said taehyung rudely. Jin shut his eyes close in anger " drop that attitude " said Jin in a calm yet cold tone but taehyung seem to have a deaf ear today, and instead rolled his eyes.

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