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A man in his late thirties was sitting in the corner of his dimly lit bedroom with teary eyes and runny nose with a cute pout decorated on his beautiful face . Come home you bastard I'm gonna chop your umm no , I'm gonna kick your ass complained the bunny man looking at his husband's pic which was also his wall paper in phone .

The reason behind this adorable bunny man's crying session was his husband has broke the promise of not consuming alcohol by partying at club, behind his back and our bunny has got to know about this by none other than his namjoon hyung who unknowingly has spilled the secret of taehyung.

Here, kim taehyung the one and only CEO of Kim's essence the famous perfume company of Korea was in club enjoying his drink to the fullest not knowing that he is soon gonna regret it .

Taehyung was so drunk that he started blabbering out of nowhere koo~he said whining and all the heads snapped at him. Yoongi rolled his eyes muttering dramatic ass and continued sipping on his alcohol. Namjoon looked at him with a so done face and hobi was passed out on the counter. Taehyung gulped looking at namjoon and yoongi glaring at him and sat straight with his index finger on his pout.

Namjoon and yoongi send off the employees who were there to celebrate their deal and looked at taehyung again drinking alcohol. They looked at him and rolled their eyes as taehyung was again blabbering and was in his own Lala land.

You you are my universe ~~ my baby kookie my universe ~ and I just want to put you first ~~~~~ sang taehyung out of nowhere shocking namjoon and yoongi. They snapped their hard towards taehyung and widened their eyes as taehyung was now on top of the bar island .

Namjoon rushed to taehyung as yoongi was apologising to the dealer for taehyung's behaviour Mr cha please don't mind him, he is drinking alcohol after a week so he is a little bit crazy. Mr. cha laughed it's fine it's fine Mr min and suga nodded .

Taehyung was now talking with the alcohol bottle as he thought he is cupping kook's face and namjoon was trying hard to control his laughter.
Kookie pwease let me drink a little mwore, pweaseeee my pwetal said taehyung with wobbly lips ready to cry. Ah ha ha haaaa no one loves me , such a cutie I'm , I wish you could love me again ~~~ blabbered taehyung singing his heart out out.

Stop it taehyung ah you are so drunk now. Said namjoon trying to stop taehyung who was again up for another concert on the bar island. Namjoonieee hyung, I'm not drunk I'm just auditioning to be a trainee in in bighit. Said taehyung pointing his index finger on his lips and namjoon was close to lose his cool.

Sending off the dealer suga came to namjoon and taehyung only to see namjoon trying not lose his cool. He went to jhope and woke him up and jhope didn't threw any tantrum to his surprise.

Suga went to taehyung and tried pulling him from the counter suga hyungieee I love you man, you are my one of the best friend said taehyung in drunk voice and suga stared at him blankly making taehyung shut his mouth.

They were now in the car on thier way to drop taehyung home. I swear to god yoongi hyung we will never bring taehyung club again. Said namjoon looking at taehyung who was sleeping on his shoulder. Jungkook is gonna beat his ass for sure said suga driving hey but isn't the drunk taehyung cute and expressive unlike his usual behaviour said jhope and they all  hummed agreeing .

Suga stopped the car infront kim mansion and namjoon came out of the car and opened the door for taehyung. Taehyung came out of the car and went to the door stumbling here and there taehyung let me help you to door you are stumbling a lot said namjoon helping taehyung. Nooo hyung I'm not stumbling I'm just testing the gravity and it's working said taehyung flashing his boxy smile. Namjoon paid no heed to his  antics and helped him to the door .

Jungkook was walking back and forth in the living room waiting for his hubby and that's when he heard a knock on door and hurried towards the door only to see taehyung standing with namjoons support. Jungkooks blood boiled by the scene infront of him but he calmed his nerves for now and thanked namjoon taking taehyung in.

Thank you so much hyungie said Jungkook ahh it's ok kookie but take care of your husband he is soon going to be a trainee in bighit said namjoon laughing and Jungkook nodded not understanding.

As soon as namjoon went out Jungkook saw taehyung laying on the floor , he facepalmed at his hubbys actions and hurried towards him. Jungkook was about to unfasten his coat but taehyung jerked his hands away and covered himself in a protective manner look pretty boy I know I'm one heck of a handsome man and the CEO of largest company but you can't take advantage of me . I'm a married man and my husband is the most ethereal man you will ever see . Said taehyung in a serious tone and Jungkook gave him done look but he danced internally cause of taehyung's loyalty even when he is drunk.

Ok. Now shut up and let me do my work . Said Jungkook laying him on the sofa and taehyung just stayed quit. Jungkook removed his coat and opened the first two buttons of his shirt. He then went to kitchen to bring the water and towel but found that taehyung was already on the stairs climbing with great difficulty. Jungkook lost his cool and ran to taehyung before he fell down and hurt himself.

Taehyung was now laying on the bed as Jungkook was scolding him how can you break the promise huh..? Don't my promise matter to you anymore, you punk.!! Taehyung pouted but didn't said anything look how drunk you are, how many bottles did you emptied.?? Asked Jungkook laying beside taehyung. Koo I ain't drunk, I'm just intoxicated by your presence. Said taehyung  making jungkook blush. Talk in human language Mr hubby, I don't understand a thing you are saying said Jungkook trying to cover up his blushing face. His man knew how to play with words. Uhhh koo I'm not slurring my words I'm just talking in cursive. Said taehyung, Jungkook blinked his once , twice and blinked again and broke into fits of laughter and taehyung joined him.

Jungkook looked at taehyung giggling aish my cute, lovely, bastard, handsome hubby.

Heyaa how's this .?? Tried something new.!! Tell me ur opinions.!!!


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