BTS -2

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Taehyung was woken up by the commotion but he knew they both have fucked up so bad so he stayed in his bedroom and waited for the noicee to stop. Once he was confirmed that Jin wasn't there he quickly made his way out and saw namjoon on the floor bawling his eyes out.

Taehyung gasped at the sight and covered his mouth in shock and walked slowly towards namjoon. He shook him a bit and then shook again but namjoon didn't budge, so shy to face taehyung after getting the belting by his father. Whereas taehyung got worried and ran to kitchen and brought the water and gave it to namjoon. Namjoon with a sigh accepted the water and gulped it one go, so tired by all the yelling, pleading and beating.

Namjoon and taehyung were now sitting in namjoons room. " hyung sowwyyy plz forgive me " pleaded taehyung but namjoon looked away. " no I won't, is it loud and clear.??" Asked namjoon loudly so done with continuous disturbance. Taehyung pouted and started massaging his shoulders to gain the forgiveness but who was namjoon budge.??

"Hyung pleaseeeee forgive me ..!!" Whined taehyung now sitting on namjoons stomach who was laying on the bed.

" ok ok I will forgive you but what about appa..? You are in deep shit baby" said namjoon and taehyung immediately stood up " what do you mean." " don't you remember baby, we were in station Yeasturday" asked joon. " yeah I do, so..? You were too" said taehyung." and what about your punishment then, and maybe you will get more cause you sneaked out and then drank alcohol and LIED to me right baby" said namjoon with a very sweet yet mocking tone , taehyung's face paled. He ran downstairs saying " call me when appa will go back to office " namjoon ran before him to stop but taehyung bumped on to jin  who just came after picking Jungkook from his sleep over party at beomgyu's house.

" where do you think you are going " asked Jin in a cold tone , taehyung stood at his place still, his blood ran cold when he heard " come to my room" and now he knew there's no escape.

Taehyung was just staring at Jin who was standings with a doe eyed little kookie in his arms. " hyungie am I handsome" asked kook innocently " no" replied taehyung shortly earning a glare from Jin. He laughed nervously " aww kookie you are the most handsome kid I have ever seen, you are even more handsome than boss baby" said taehyung with fake sparkly eyes and of course a fake huge grin. Kook clapped his hands in excitement " yes.! Enough now get your ass to my room" said Jin sternly not buying the ayego taehyung did just now.

Namjoon was just standing at the stairs enjoying the drama but he immediately looked down when Jin glared at him. " and you.! Don't think that your punishment is over. You are going to arrange my files and clean the office, you will be submitting your phone to me, and then write a 2k letter essay on how this gen Z teenagers are so spoiled and what are the measures to bring them back on the track. Then write the essay on how alcoholism affects the health." Lectured Jin and namjoons eyes popped out comically and mouth hung opened and he gaped like a dying fish.

" close your mouth , and get going " ordered Jin but namjoon having enough stomped his feet " atleast don't take my mobile" said namjoon " you want me to seize you laptop as well" asked Jin raising his eyebrow. " what is mobile..? I don't know " said and ran somewhere but he tripped over something and hissed in pain " careful brat" yelled Jin.

Jin dropped his little kookie at his room, as the he looked tired and sleepy . " appa me wan cuddles" said kook with sleepy voice " sure baby but first let me deal with another brat and then we will cuddle " said Jin kissing his forehead and ruffled his hair. " taetae in trouble " asked kook innocently and Jin nodded " yes baby, now go to sleep appa will be back real quick " said and went out.

Taehyung was sitting on the edge of the bed with a constipated face. His heartbeat rose high when the doors swung opened revealing his father who was now folding his sleeves. Taehyung gulped at the sight and immediately stood up. "Ap-appa I-I'm sorry " said taehyung with a great difficulty. " nope you aren't sorry, you will be sorry when I finally knock some senses in you ok .." asked Jin going towards taehyung. Taehyung's blood ran cold by the close proximity of his appa. He stepped back but fell on the bed.

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