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A solitary figure, sat in the empty classroom with his head rested on his desk.a painful sob he sobbed and cried silently not wanting to be judged by anyone. Crying cause of school and that too being a boy and crying was something that wasn't appreciated.

Yoongi was sobbing his heart out not knowing a certain someone was recording his vulnerable state. After what felt like 30 minutes he wiped his tears and cupped his own face and went out of the classroom and then college. The person smirked and went out too.

" you show yourself as a savage and cold person don't you huh, min yoongi.?? Let me just show how vulnerable piece of shit you are" said the person smirking.

Yoongi came home only to witness his parents fighting over office works, house chores and house expenses. He sighed and went to his room not wanting to be seen by his parents. But oh how unlucky he is today. He stopped by his father's angry yell and shut his eyes close and bit his lips to suppress the stutter.

"Why are you late, it's past school time" yelled his father.

" I..I missed the bus appa, so I walk-.." cutoff

" why did you missed the bus.?? Got detention after school huh.?? Don't you dare lie."Mr. Min

" No..no I.. i didn't " cutoff

" stop yelling at him you punk, why are you expressing your anger on him" Mrs min

" don't fucking dare to come in between me and your spoiled son . I need to size up this brat." Mr.min

"So..so sorry appa, it won't hap- cutoff

" wait a damn minute.. how the fuck he is only MY son"Mrs min.

" he is your son, you were the one who wanted a child so bad. Now suffer" Mr min

" suffer..?? Seriously min..? Go to hell and do whatever the fuck you want.! I'm outta here." Said Mrs min and marched out of the house.

" go do whatever the hell you want. I know you are going to that bastard" said mr min angrily and threw the flower vase angrily.

In all this chaos they forgot that yoongi was still there but now he was sitting on the steps with his hands covering his ears.his pale face now looked red cause him suppressing his cry.

Mr min looked at him angrily " and now what the hell is wrong with you.? Why are you late.? Oh I got it you were playing basketball ball after school instead of studying weren't you..? Do you think I grow money on trees that I will feed you and your mother the whole life.?? Why did you even born.?? It's all my fault I shouldn't have agreed to have a child and especially a useless brat like you. I'm outta here so go and just complete your homework and no food for you today" lectures Mr min and went out grabbing his jacket on the way.

Yoongi slowly got up and went to his room. The moment he came in his room he shut the door close and let out a loud sob which he was holding on since so long. The tightness in his throat made him cry out loud.

He sat on his knees and wiped his tears hastily. Crying is for weak yoongi, you aren't weak. He consoled himself as he took deep breaths to regain his normal composure. He got up and hit the wall with all his might just to suppress the little sobs escaping his mouth.

The more he heard his vulnerable sobs the more he remembered the hurtful words his father just yelled at him, and he hit more on the wall. His punch was now beet red but his mind and heart both were too numb to feel any physical pain.but the tears that were flowing continuously on his round cheeks were like delicate cascade of emotions, painting a heartfelt picture of vulnerability. And that's the exact thing he hated. The feeling of being vulnerable and weak.

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