JIN HYUNG ( yoonjin)

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In the midst of pouring night, the foot steps of a figure echoed in the empty streets, Rhythm of the rain matching his pace , the rain drops danced on his already teary face. The fragile figure ran and ran and ran finally falling on the streets of scary night.

The boy kneeled on the middle of the road covering his ears as the words echoed in his mind such an useless crap , we are disappointed at you , we trusted you so much for nothing, you disappointed us , you are so poor, haha lol look at this tiny bean haha, I'm not sorry for breaking up with you loser, why are you being clingy..?.

He sat there all alone , no one beside him to lean on, no friends,no parents literally no one , crying harder than the rain itself . He was close to faint as he came all the way running from his home to an unknown place where he don't know anyone.

The ragged torn clothes, the scars on his hands , on his face and the most painful scar which was the lost self confidence made him look like a pathetic piece of crap. At least that's what he thought of himself.

Before he close his  eyes on the middle of the dark foreign road he felt himself landing on two protective arms, he closed his eyes letting himself fall on the protective arms finally resting his tired figure.

The boy woke up to find himself on the hospital bed and an iv attached on his arm. He looked here and there to find who brought him here but found no one . He sighed and decided to wait if someone will approach him so that he can thank the person.

It was an hour but still no clue of anyone. He sighed and harshly removed his iv patch and stood up to leave and that's when a nurse came , he stared at her blankly and the nurse explained that he was here since two days and the man who brought him was an university teacher who just went to the university for leave application. Yoongi nodded at the information and sat down on the bed again so that he can meet the kind man. Why did you saved me Mr unknown.?? I wanted to free myself from this world .. thought the boy as he wiped the freshly formed tears in his eyes . He don't want to cry anymore not at least for someone who were the reason for his now miserable state .

The trance of his thoughts broke as a man entered the room stumbling here and there with a carry bag in his hand which seemed to have the breakfast . The man stared at the boy and laughed awkwardly looking at yoongi who was staring at him blankly.

Hey there little man, how are you feeling now..? Asked the man looking at yoongi why did you saved me .?? Why didn't you let me die there..asked the boy with an emotionless tone , the man gasped at the response what's your name buddy asked the man why do you want to know , and why do you think I should trust you said the boy.

Aishhh kids these days muttered the man before introducing himself well my name is Kim seok Jin , the one and only the most handsome university teacher in the seol university of arts and science or you can say I was elected for the most handsome man in the world as well. Said seokjin flipping his hairs and winking at the boy.

Now your turn..said Jin as he sat beside the boy giving him a packet of orange juice well I don't want to tell you my information but you saved me that's why I'm telling you. So myself yoongi but I call myself as suga and I'm 19 years old , I ran away from my home so that I can do something on my own but I failed miserably and wanted to d*e but you saved me . Said suga in one breath and Jin without thinking twice hugged him . Suga struggled at first but then hugged back as a lone tear fell from his eye. Which he immediately wiped.

Let it all out sugar.!! Said Jin still hugging suga plz don't criticise me or judge me hyung cause I'm trusting you plz don't make me regret my decision of telling you my problems. You are nothing but a stranger to me so I hope u won't judge me. And also I'm telling you because you saved me . Said suga looking down and Jin nodded very curious to hear why such a young boy decided to give up on his life just like that .he felt bad for him .

I used to live with my parents but this cruel fate of mine played a very bad game with me and snatched my parents from me leaving me all alone in this accursed world to suffer . I lived with my uncle even when he abused me and beated me for less marks , and criticised me for having interest in rapping. I wanted to runaway since I was just 12 but I couldn't so i waited for me to reach my legal age to runaway.and to distract myself I made a friend and i unknowingly developed the feelings for her and just a week ago when I got to know about her cheating on me I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't take the insults her boyfriend and his friends threw at me . They called me kid, useless and all .And I  ran away from home . I tried finding a job for my survival but people turned me down. I was so hungry I wanted to eat something but had no money and having left with no option I was running on the street aimlessly and then everything blacked out . Said suga looking down all the time and was met with a bone crashing hug by Jin who had tears in his eyes by now.

Hyung why did you saved an useless piece of shit like me , you would have left me there I would have di- cut off as Jin covered his mouth by his palm don't you fucking dare to call yourself  like that you little man..!! Get that in your head said Jin scaring the hell out of the boy and suga immediately hugged Jin not able to control his emotions anymore, he let out the heart wrenching sobs which soon turned into the ugly cries , as he let out the pent of emotions on jins shoulder.

3 years later

MC : suga or I can say august D , to whom you want give the credits for your successful debuts as a rapper and the huge fan following

Suga: thank so much for asking me this question, today infront of the whole world I want to thank the person who saved me from killing myself, who was there with me in my thick and thins, ups and downs who took care of me all the time , supported me throughout my journey, always made me feel that I ain't a burden on him or anyone else, without that person I wouldn't be here giving my success speech . I want to bow down and thank my one and only family after my parents that is my guiding light my JIN HYUNG. I'm here again crying but these are the tears of joy and great fullness , plz be with me all the time Jin hyung , ur tiny rapper needs you .

Said suga as he bowed in respect thanking his one and only hyung who was watching him from the backstage with teary eyes and a proud face, his heart swelled up with proudness . He couldn't be more happy, his little boiled dumpling, his tiny badass rapper was on the show thanking him and more importantly he succeeded in being a rapper for which he worked day and night .!!

Heyaaaa people, how's this..? Am I improving.?? Do tell me your pov .!!


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