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Just my ranting.....!!
As I don't have many readers so it's good to rant here 😆😁

How does it feel to be so lonely in the crowd
How does it feel when you are being ignored by your friends ( not really)  does it hurt to be feel as an attention seeker?does it hurt to be a disappointment ? Does it hurt when you are being treated differently? Does it hurt when ur friends arent by ur side ?does it hurt when you don't have a shoulder to lean on ?does it hurt when you fail even after trying so hard ?does it hurt when you are being ignored intentionally? Does it hurt when you have many people around you but none is worth sharing ur worries? Doest it hurt when you are the comfort place for every one around you but no is there for you ? Does it hurt when you have no single friend to listen to ur rant ?do you also feel stupid reading ur old silly conversations of u and ur friend? Do u also feel like you are there but still not there and no give a damn about ur presence? Does it hurt ?or is this just my stupid self expecting more from people.....?

Are online friends really good ..? Or I stumbled on wrong people ,well it looks like that ....!

I miss my old self so much that I wanna cry and scream my lungs out,if that brings back my old self .I loved how I was old me when I cared for nobodies attention weather it be school friends or anyone else...I was so alone yet so happy but now iam soooo alone and very sad....!!

If anyone by any chance like 0.0000000000000001% read this shit then just don't pity me ok ...? I'm all good now, I write to mellow my heart uk ...!!!!

Anddddd sorry if i wasted ur time

Started one-shot series tho if u have any request then feel free to dm me ...!!!!

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