
201 15 23

Warning:Self harm ( not too much tho)

A solitary figure, bathed with the gentle glow of moonlight lost in his own thoughts amidst the tranquil darkness of the night. His eyes shined with the fresh tears as he remembered the most painful moments that happened today.

Why can't you be more better than him taehyung , kookie always tops in the class and your dumb self can only make it to third rank,do you even consider these marks as grades,I wonder what are you gonna do with this worst grades, I just wish you to end up in a good college, just don't disappoint us this time you already have disappointed us a lot so now it's enough, work hard and don't you dare to make silly reasons and slack off this time he bit his lower lip to suppress his cries but his  feline eyes leaked the warm tears.

He don't wanted to cry over something like this, he don't wanted to act high up on his emotions and cry, he wanted to be strong very strong but his fragile heart always betrayed him. Being a boy and crying wasn't something which was appreciated in the society and him not having friends added more to his misery. He had his parents beside him and his brother beside him but he wasn't comfortable to share his problems with his own people as they were the one who made him insecure about study, marks, physical activities and every damn thing.

Gathering up the courage he marched towards the washroom locking himself inside the washroom he searched for the razor and sat on the floor his back supporting the wall of the bathroom. Taking the deep breath he closed his eyes shut and rolled the sleeves of his shirt till his arms.

Mustering the courage he slit a little part of his arm and hissed in pain as the blood flew out from his milky white skin, his eyes watered due to sharp pain but he didn't give up, he again slit his skin with the razor as the words echoed in his mind like a broken tape recorder. He threw the razor somewhere in the bathroom and covered his ears as the voices were not stopping in his mind.

He clutched his both hands on his chest finally breaking down letting out the ugly cries. But he immediately reminded himself that he is a boy and he ain't no way crying just for this silly reason. He wiped his tears harshly and faces the wall punching it hard. He punched it continuously turning his knuckles into a deep shade of red. He looked at his bloody arm and the red knuckles satisfied and cleaned the blood and went out of the bathroom.

He wasn't feeling any emotional pain anymore. Plopping himself on the bed he covered himself with the sheets and soon the sleep engulfed him.

It was morning and taehyung and Jungkook were at the dining table having their breakfast " dont cause any trouble kids, otherwise you know me " said their father and looked at taehyung " and you young man be extra careful, if I heard you causing any trouble then no one will be worse than me . And a reminder if you get less Marks in today's test then you will see the worst . Warned mr kim looking at taehyung who nodded his head looking down.

" bye kookie baby, bye taehyung take care of yourself and kookie , and study well" said mr and Mrs kim dropping both of them at the school gate and waved bye.

Taehyung was in his class revising the test and that's when the teacher came with a bundle of question paper and distributed after instructing the students to keep their books away. But taehyung was so in his thoughts that he didn't heard what teacher said and kept the book in the bench.

All the students were writing the test and that's when a girl stood calling the teacher " teacher taehyung is copying his book is just beneath the table " . Listening his name taehyung snapped his head towards the girl and now the whole class was looking at taehyung. The teacher angrily marched towards his deak, inquiring quickly he found his notebook and snatched the test paper form his hands so you started cheating now huh.? Get out of my class and stand outside with hands up in the air scolded teacher not listening to his please.

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