BTS -1

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" shut up brat " hissed namjoon glaring at taehyung. Taehyung's lips curved forming a stubborn yet cute pout  " hyung pweaseee take me with you, I wanna come with you plzzz" whined taehyung for the nth time and namjoon sighed irritated as he finally shifted his gaze from his book and glared at taehyung who was clinging at him from back.

" if I heard you again whining then I promise you that you will end up bending over my knees for sure" said namjoon sternly and taehyung stood still looking down and nodded " yeah hyung " said taehyung in a very small voice, which namjoon surely cooed at but refrained himself from showing it .

" yes, now get your ass back to your room and complete the homework " said namjoon sternly and taehyung nodded looking down and went out of the room with an evil smirk decorated on his face.

As soon as namjoon conformed that taehyung is now out of his room. He quickly grabbed his cell and called his best friends hoseok and yoongi. " guys everything's going according to plan so far" chirped namjoon excited. Yah that's good but don't bring that high spirited annoying creature. Came a reply from yoongi. Yoongi ah that's  not how you address an adorable kid like taehyung. Said jhope and namjoon could picture a smiley face of jhope and an eye rolling yoongi. Yeah yeah guys I won't bring him said namjoon hanging up the call and did a little victory dance before getting back to his math solving session with a huge grin.

" why my instincts say that someone listened to my conversation " thought namjoon scratching his head and then shrugged it thinking it as his overthinking and went back to his dear math problems which looked way more interesting than everything to him.

Taehyung smirked " aww my innocent joonie hyung" said and went to his room.

Taehyung came back to his room and tossed himself on the bed and laughed like a maniac " well played namjoon hyung.!!, but your 143IQ is nothing infront of my evil mind" he said to no one and laughed again like a mad man and called his partner in crime " hello dwag get ready I'm on my way " said taehyung on the phone " sure little bastard " came a reply from the other side " dare to call me bastard again you two inched shorty" hissed taehyung " shut up you punk.!!, you were the first to start " said jimin cutting the call.

" ah this shorty is Getting on my nerves these days, oh he might be in periods. Oops but he is a boy." muttered taehyung turning on his ps5 which he recently got as a birthday present on his 14th birthday.

It was 7pm and namjoon was getting ready for his hangout and that's when he saw taehyung laying on the sofa lazily and watching stranger things. Namjoon sighed and went to taehyung " taehyungie plz don't be upset ok..? Hyung will take you with him next time for sure" said namjoon feeling bad for his little dongseng.

Taehyung immediately made a sad face and with tiny steps he went namjoon and hugged him " take care joonie hyung " said taehyung with a sad voice and kudos to his acting skills , cause namjoon actually believed that taehyung is sad. He felt bad for leaving taehyung alone when their father isn't home but he was left with no option but to leave taehyung home alone.

The moment namjoon left the house taehyung excitedly went to his room and got ready and called jimin shorty I'm on my way said taehyung Im already at the bus stop bitch, so get your ass here as soo as possible hissed jimin hanging up the call. " now I'm damn sure chim is on his periods" muttered taehyung seriously and hurried downstairs and went out of the house taking his baby(cycle) .

Jimin and taehyung were now standing at the bus stop. " chimmy  you sure you aren't on your periods.?? "  asked taehyung cupping jimin's face " its ok chimchim, oppa will buy you a lot of chocolates " added taehyung now patting his head.

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