My chaotic kids

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" here take another punch you piece of crap" said yoongi with the huge gummy smile on his cute adorable cat face.

" enough suga hyungie, his mouth is bleeding, leave him." Said jhope terrified of his hyungs actions.

" no no hobi, Im still not satisfied.!! How dare this piece of crap eye our sister, and you listen here son of bitch, I'm gonna beat to the pulp" growled yoongi.

" stop it yoongi, I think it's enough now" said yoonji his twin sister getting up from the chair she was sitting and enjoying the show.

" you sure..? You don't want me to kill this crap" said yoongi hint of disgust evident in his voice and yoonji just hummed and kneeled infront of the boy who was on the floor " shall I still call you 'oppa' hmm..?"

" no no I will.. I will call you opp- I mean I will call you noona " stuttered the boy not wanting to get more from yoongi as he gazed at yoongi still ready with his fist ready to punch the hell out of the boy.

" no nope, you will call me yoonji mam, am I clear..?"

" ye- yes mam" said the boy with terrified face and the words uttered stuttering mess.

" sure peasant" said yoonji as she stood up on her feet and flipped her short hair and walked with yoonhope.

Yes, this is how the kim siblings are in school. Actually elementary school.

Yoonji being the oldest of them is the boss of their group, who is also studying in class 8th and is 13 year old.

Yoongi the younger twin of yoonji, the infamous bad boy of the school.very rude, will fight with everyone for hobi and yoonji. Just don't underestimate his height he is the tiny badass boy.

Jhope the youngest of the kim family is the kid every parent would wish to have. He is good in studies, have a pleasant and welcoming aura around him, is best in dancing and a literal sunshine who will even cheer up the withered flower. By the way he is 12 years old.

" yoonji noona, you shouldn't have done this, and yoongi hyung he was about to pass out, oh my god what if appa get to know about this..?, you are gone for sure" said hobi as they were in the bus heading back to the home after the school.

" oh shut up kid, nothing like this is gonna happen, and who will tell appa..? You..? Or that punk..?" Said yoonji as she looked out enjoying the evening breeze.

" suga hyung- he shut his mouth close as he saw his suga hyung already napping with his headphones on.

The trio were back from the school only to be welcomed by their empty house. The kids went to their room and slept without even changing, very tired from the school and the after school fight.

It was night and Jin thier father came home from the police station, tired as hell. The first thing he did was to check in his precious lil things, his kids. He went upstairs only to witness the most adorable sight of his cute kids, sleeping on their respective beds still in the school uniform.

Jin smiled looking at his kids and went to freshen up. He came back to his kids room and saw them still sleeping. Jin sighed and went to his eldest kid and shook her a bit who woke up without any drama. He then went to his second eldest and shook suga a little, but who is him to wake up just by shaking him..? No nope not at all he didn't even budge a little. Jin sighed and moved to his youngest kid hobi. He shook the little boy who woke immediately and jumped on Jin who catched him effortlessly. " I missed you appa" said the half asleep hobi.

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