Taekook ❤️

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Warning ‼️ : cringe alert..!!!
I just wanted to write domestic taekook y'all 😭😂
But idk what I wrote 😂😭
Please share your pov🥲🥲

"Damn .! Jungkook you ain't going anywhere wearing that vest. Am I clear" said taehyung gawking at Jungkook like a hawk, who rolled his eyes in return " stop with your jealousy Mr. Jealous ass. You are acting like as if I'm going to club for partying, I'm just going out of the house to our own lawn to water our own plants. Sassed Jungkook and taehyung stood there sulking.

Jungkook gave a look to taehyung and taehyung immediately went to do the laundry which was assigned by his dear husband. Jungkook hummed in satisfaction and went out with a shy smile on his bunny face muttering " aish this silly hubby"

Jungkook was watering the plants humming a song and that's when his neighbour mingyu yelled his name.

" hey Jungkook.!!! You look gorgeous " said mingyu waving his hand.

" heyy..! Thanks , what's up..?" asked Jungkook still watering the plants.

" nothing. Oh are you up for a coffee at nearby cafe, it's cozy and aesthetic." Chirped mingyu excited.

Before Jungkook could answer taehyung butted in glaring at mingyu " no he ain't joining you, besides he is mine..! He is married already" said taehyung gritting his teeth standing infront of Jungkook defensively. Jungkook rolled his eyes at his overprotective husband and pinched his waist. Taehyung yelled in pain and glared at him cutely "you are breaking your friendship with him, you are not in college anymore " said taehyung pointing at mingyu, who stood their still not knowing what to do. " and you Mr.dengue opsie mr mingyu stay away from him don't try to hit on him." Said taehyung glaring at the poor boy.

" Aishhh this jealous ass..! I'm so sorry gyu. We will go out some other day . Jiminee hyung will be there too, what say..?" Asked Jungkook with a bunny smile and mingyu nodded in acceptance with a soft smile.

" Yaah kim, get in now" said Jungkook dragging his hubby who was still glaring at the poor boy.


The Kim couple were now in kitchen making a cake to enjoy their Sunday. But how wrong Jungkook is to think he will bake a super nice cake in presence of his husband who had already gulped half of the ingredients except flour and baking soda. Jungkook kept the prepared dough in the micro oven and glared taehyung who was munching on the last piece of chopped strawberry. But taehyung being taehyung paid no heed to the glares he was getting by his baby highness . Jungkook frustrated by his husband's behaviour grabbed a spatula and started hitting his husband's forearm.

Taehyung being the drama king he is started running here and there yelling " please save me.. it's domestic violence, my husbun is beating me.. poor me.. ahh .. please save me from This double bunny... help.. help I need medical attention.. medic.. ahh" dramatically laid on the couch and Jungkook scrunched his nose and said " damn you should be an actor not an attorney. Just resign tomorrow from your attorney post, we are going to Seoul for your acting career" exaggerated Jungkook in a mocking way and rolled his eyes now looking at his dramatic husband who was trying hard to fake cry. Jungkook scoffed and held his spatula in air and showed it to him saying " you are banned from my kitchen, dare to step in I will complain it to my yoongi hyung. I assume that you know about his profession, he is a mafia king" threatened Jungkook and taehyung raised his hands in surrender and nodded his head vigorously with a scared expression and Jungkook went back to kitchen " damn he can be scary" muttered taehyung with his one hand rubbing his chest to calm himself.

Taekook were enjoying their super awesome cake which kook prepared.taehyung was happily munching on his cake with big bites and that's when Jungkook looked at taehyung suspiciously and asked " who was that female attorney the other day ..?" Taehyung looked at him confused and asked which one..? Jungkook glared at taehyung and said " you ex .!! attorney Jennie " said Jungkook gritting his teeth." oh yeah what about her .." asked taehyung. " you were checking her out " said Jungkook. Tae choked on his cake and looked at Jungkook in amusement and asked " when did I..?, are you talking about the last Friday when she was wearing a black coat..?" Asked taehyung immediately getting a hit form Jungkook who had tears in his doe eyes now.

Taehyung panicked seeing his teary eyes and immediately cupped his face asking " baby what's wrong..?? " " so you were actually checking her out..?? Huh..?? Tell me you punk..? How do you know that she was wearing a black coat the other day..? Tell me right now else yoongi hyung will be the one to handle the matter, believe he will beat the shit out of you " said Jungkook with teary eyes and stern tone.,

Taehyungs eyes widened as big as soccer and he immediately grabbed Jungkooks phone who was ready to call yoongi . " kookie baby let me explain please " asked taehyung with a glimmer of hope that kook will let him explain. Jungkook nodded his boba head wiping his teary eyes. Taehyung sighed in happiness and said " babe that's what an attorney is supposed to wear . Tha black coat " said taehyung giving himself an imaginary pat on his back. " then why did you pointed out what colour she was wearing huh..?? Asked Jungkook glaring cutely. " hehe babe I was just teasing you." Said taehyung laughing.

" whatever it is .!!! You aren't going to look at anyone but me, you aren't going to notice anyone but me, you aren't going to compliment anyone but me, you are trapped in my web now you can't escape Kim. Said Jungkook smirking. " as you say my babe highness" said taehyung bowing like a prince dramatically. " Yes peasant" sasses back Jungkook.

." yeah bunny when yoongi hyung gave me your hand on the day of our marriage I didn't held it for show I held your hand for forever, you are now locked in this tiger's den you can't escape from it" said taehyung looking at Jungkook with oh so loving eyes. Jungkook blushed hard and hit taehyung  muttering " aishhh this cheesy kim" and sat on his lap hugging taehyung.

Rest you all imagine I'm a holy person 😁😁.

Damn this orange app spoiled me a lot😩 I should be studying but here I'm reading ffs like it's my job lmao.

idk what the hell I just wrote..!!! Believe I was not high in anything while writing this lol 😂

Haha lol forgive me if I disappointed you .
I wrote this a long ago. I just didn't had the heart to delete my work just like that so haha you know .

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