9. The cricket match

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After a couple of dates, as Jai had promised, he asked me out on another date. I was genuinely excited about this one because he had hinted at the location – the cricket stadium.

It was IPL season, and as a cricket fan, what more could I ask for? Despite my hectic work schedule, I was dying to attend a match.

So, the date was set for tomorrow, and I was busy picking out my outfit. Naturally, I supported SRH; I was a proud Hyderabadi and a dedicated team supporter.

I didn't know which team Jai supported, though, so I decided to text him.

Me: Heyy!

Jai: Hello

Me: Free now?

Jai: For you? Always.

I was already melting at his smooth words.

Me: Stop with the flirting! Wanted to ask you which team are you supporting tomorrow.

Jai: RCB obviously.

Me: Sorry, I don't know you anymore. How are we even friends?

This prompted him to FaceTime me, thinking I was serious. This guy! How am I going to marry him? I answered the call and burst into laughter when I saw the confusion on his face. His reaction was priceless.

"I was just joking," I said, still smiling.

"You confused me," he replied with a scowl.

"Seriously? You're not supporting the home team?" I questioned.

"No, I think the probability of RCB winning is high," he explained.

"Oh, let's see," I challenged.

"Game on," he replied, matching my energy.
After that, I started searching for the perfect outfit.

I settled on black jeans, a light orange top, and a jacket just in case.

It was simple, but who cares, I was going to see the match.

It was simple, but who cares, I was going to see the match

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