Part 5: Testing

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The next few days and a half were quite interesting for my daily life. I was now officially a part of the Horizon. 

And Partnerd with anya corazon. 

Which sounds alright at first, but it took time for us to begin to work togather. 

Especially after I went through her phone and commented on improving an invention she had been working on.

Yea, not my brightest moment. 

Regardless of our relationship, I spent most of my time at Horizon. Mainly Because I had to work on G.E.D.E.O.N with the help of Mr. Modell and Anya. I used parts from R.I.K.A to speed up the process of making Gedeon.

I used the majority of what R.I.K.A was for, seeing AI projects typically take anywhere from three to 36 months depending on the scope and complexity of the use case. I used what Peter had already set up for Rika, and put into Gedeon. 

I will still use Rika, but for my own purposes. Like for my Spider-Man purposes. 

And seeing as I have already begun data prep, my Rika should be done before school.

Well, the bete version that is.

Along with working on the AIs, I was also helping Modell with any work he had to spare. Working with a great mind like Modell was great for me and my contiunes growth in science. Along with working with bright mind of the same age as me with Anya also help a lot

Coming home late at night after a full day of working with Mr. Modell and Anya, is really fun for me. 

It feels like I'm changing the world just by working with them. Even though the late hours were starting to hang on me. 

Regardless, working late didn't affect me as much. Seeing as I barely go out and work out during the day. I do sometimes get calls from friends like Harry, Gwen, and Eddie. I do actually enjoy talking to them, but sometimes I just want to release and chill during the day.

This wasn't great for my guardian parents. May and Ben didn't approve of it at first, and didn't like that I was working so late. Along with me not telling them I work at Horizon and spending most of my time their. 

INT. Parker Residence - Living Room - Night

I entered the house at around 11 at night, looking both tired and satisfied. 'Man, Horizon really makes me use my brain. Sometimes it is really fun, other times, just completely mentally draining.'

I head towards the kitchen for a quick snack, before I hear a cough to the corner of my hearing. I freeze and see Aunt May and Uncle Ben sitting on the couch, arms crossed, expressions stern.

'This isn't good.'

Aunt May Broke the silence first, which I was slightly great for. Silence is only good when it is to my advantage. 

Not my Parents.

"Peter, do you have any idea what time it is?" she ask, in a slightly stern, but worried voice. I could only think to myself.

'What time is it?' I have been working and training that time seems to just passed right by me sometimes. Regardless, I need to be apologetic.

"I know Aunt May, and I'm sorry." I said in an apologetic with my head slightly bowed. "It's just... things at Horizon Labs have been really intense lately."

"Peter, we've talked about this. We're worried about you spending so much time there, especially late into the night." Uncle Ben finally Broke his silence, which again, thankful for.

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