Part 10: Touch

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Everyone was still watching, no one was speaking. 'This silence is killing me, but even I knew this was a bold move on my part. However, I shouldn't get in trouble because Flash started it, and I have eyes to vouch that Flash attacked me first. So the conquests of my actions have no concern to me at the moment.'

I survey my friends' faces first to gauge their reactions to my sudden triumph against my supposedly bully back friend back to bully. Gwen had a face full of shock and worry. 'Probably thinking I'm doing drugs or something. So precious and concerned for me, but so annoying for me as well.'

I then look to my best friend, Harry Osborn. He had a face of amazement, 'Of course he would be rooting for me, his best friend. I like this version of Harry more and more. He'll make a great partner in the future. Hopefully.'

Next is Jean, she looks shocked, 'Probably didn't think Peter Parker, the nice guy/nerd, could pull off a win against the peaks of bullies. Welp, now she knows Peter isn't a pushover anymore. And those trips to the 'gym' have paid off.'

Looking to my left was Clayton, and he was basically fanboying at this point. 'Well, I don't need to worry about Clash for a while, so that's good at least. Probably just got my first fan as my civilian self.'

After walking inside the school, I hear cheers going on in the courtyard. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at this, before hearing footsteps speeding towards me. I look back to see my friends. They were starting to catch up with me, I looked back to see Gwen was leading. She looked kinda worried.

Jessica Campbell was in shock, before she came closer to me and cheered for me.

"That was Amazing Peter!" She yelled in a loud and bright voice.

"Thanks!" I responded.

"Dude, how did you do that?" Harry asked next, I gave him a side eye. Before a smirk appeared.

"Well, I have these things called fingers. Which I used to put on Flash's forehead to redirect his approach-" Before I could finish my explanation, Gwen cut in.

"That is not what he meant! Peter!" She said with a voice with authority.

"You were awesome, Peter! Don't worry about Gwen, she just is an overbearing Mother hen." Jean said, with a hint of amusement. I smile back at her, with a nod.

"Gwen is always the more level headed of the group, so it makes sense she would have questions."

"Well, I think you were awesome as well Pete. And now I know your buff, we can hit the beach to show off that bud."

"Hilarious everyone, but are we not going to talk about Peter just Beat Flash!" Gwen exclaimed, Michelle then also put her piece in.

"Yea, I'd like to know how you did that as well." I may have been a little startled, but Clayton came in for the save.

"Actually guys, we need to head to class! Bell is about to ring!" He spoke , which gained everyone's attention as students passed us.

"Alright then, but Peter I expect- Peter?" Gwen said, then looked around for me. The other did as well, to see that Peter was gone.

"Well that was interesting." Michelle said, also curious about Peter's newfound abilities.

Few Periods later: Gym Class

After periods of classes, and the horrible Calculus, I had been trying to avoid both Gwen and Michelle the whole day. 'Those two are the intelligent and mature in the group, and wouldn't leave things alone. So avoiding them from time to time to let this blow over for now'

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