Part 11: Espionage

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Smart thing for me to do when sneaking into a warehouse with armed guys with guns is not to alert them I'm here. Well, that would be if I was good at sneaking or stealth for that matter.

"Get Him!"

"Don't let him Escape!" One says before running towards me before getting a straight punch to his jaw.

"Come on guys, you can't put up at least a bit of a fight?" I antagonize five masked gunmen currently trying to shoot him down. "I already took eight of you down already. You guys can put up a better fight now if you want?"

"Shut it! Freak! You're going down for trying to stop Big Man's business dealings! KID!" one of the men shouted.

'Big Man, Huh? I guess we are close to Spectacular after all.'

"From a crappy warehouse? You realize this is just like a giant jungle gym for me right? Rafters, beams, crates, just so much fun to be had here. But I chose to just come out and beat you all up out in the open." I ran on, smiling under my mask.

"Shut the fuck up, damn it! Shoot him! Let's kill this freak!" Another gunman shouted and opened fire at me. I didn't need my spider-sense to be ticked off for me to quickly avoid the bullets with a bored sigh.

"They just don't make crazed gunman thugs like they used to. Let's go ahead and finish this up, shall we?" I asked the group who clearly didn't hear me. Which is unfortunate for them and just kept firing at missing every bullet.

I shot out multiple strings of Webbing at all the gunman's rifles, then I yanked the rifles from their grasps and leapt down to the center of their formed circle.

"Guys, I get that you weren't loved enough as kids, but honestly, do you really think this is the way to go about things? You couldn't have done construction or something?" I asked, standing relaxed and stretching. "If you want to leave 'this' behind and go to something to further your life, then please leave. I won't tell anyone about what happened here."

"To hell with you!" one of the men shouted and charged forward along with the other four.

"These guys are stubborn,but I guess I can't say much huh?" I leapt up in the air and shot out two web lines to two of the attackers and pulled them against the crates, knocking them out cold.

I landed behind the remaining three attackers and in less than twelve seconds had kicked, punched, and thrown each one to join their unconscious co-workers.

I stood up and looked around at his surroundings. "Hmm, twelve seconds? Getting better, but not fast enough. I need to cut back on the jokes it seems and keep the plea." I said to myself, as I looked around myself.

"I guess sending this video to the cops then later have this posted on the internet. I'm gonna have to wire this so it could not be traced back to me. I'm not in the 2020 era anymore, but this universe era has way better tech advandments then my era." As I finished speaking I thought to myself. 

'I sound like an old man.'

After few moments of tying up lose ends, I got a few text from people.

First was Anya, with three missed calls and two messege. I read one the messeges she sent me saying she wants to go over Geodeon's update and later their project. Which, I have been neglacting and haven't even remembered we were even doing a project. 

{Peter! We need to update Geodeon, we were suppose to do that togather before you left. We also need to begin on our project togather soon! If I don't hear back from before this day is over, their will be hell to pay!}

Good job Parker, now you have a girl angry at you. Not just any girl, the demon you work with!

Next was Gwen, She was reminding me about the field trip tomorrow and seems to be loking forward to it. Which I was also looking forward to for the field trip tomorrow as well, but for a completely different reason.

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