Part 13: Speed

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Opening my eyes to see a blue sky, I lift myself from the puddle that I landed in. "Ugh, that's gonna leave a mark."

I then started to get up and put my hand against the trash can that broke my fall. I start to get my bearings before trying to remember what happened.

'Vulture. Osborns. Klaw. Lose. Dream. Kindred? Man, I really need to reevaluate my life choices.' Cracking my back, I start to realize that feeling of losing to Vulture and my pain has lessened.

Or more accurately decreased from my sleep..

My back is still in pain, just not as bad as before. My headache is gone as well. Both my hands aren't as broken as before, but they still hurt.

My back on the other hand isn't doing any favors right now either from me standing up.

"I guess sleeping on the job does have benefits." I said as a Joke to lighten my mood a bit, before turning serious. "Time to go. And this time Toomes, you're the one who's gonna have an identity crisis."

I started running with a new found vigor, before jumping and shooting my handout and pressing on my Web-Shooter to begin Swinging.

POV Change: Norman Osborn.

OsCorp Tower - Main Lobby - Afternoon

"This way!" A lead swat officer yelled as he, along with eight others, were escorting The Osborns to safety. "We need to move the Osborns to safety and fast before that Toomes comes back."

There were two pairs of swat on each side of the Osborns, while the one leading was in front, clearing the way until they were outside.

Norman was in front of his family while his wife held their son. As they stop as they approach the door of the building, Emily lets go of her son to approach her husband. "Norman. We will need to talk."

"Tch, later Emily." Norman states with authority in his voice. "We need to get out of here first."

Emily, being not new to Norman's authoritative attitude nor his dismissive attitude, continued to press on even in this dire situation. "Adrian Toomes is someone I recommended for OsCorp. Why is someone I recommended trying to kill us?"

"If you can't tell Emily, we are in a dangerous situation and-"

"And nothing. Norman, I know when the situation calls upon it, you will avoid and dodge the question to further your own safety." Emily spoke with a knowledgeable voice. "If you have anything you to do with Adrain-"

"Vulture! 'Vulture' is a looney who went behind mine and OsCorp back to push a project to finish for the government. Which failed and got destroyed, putting OsCorp in a bad spot. Adrian did a lot of damage that you can't comprehend, which I had to fix!" Norman spoke with venom in his tone.

Norman then turns his head away, not wanting to continue this 'talk' any further. Emily, however, wouldn't back down from this. Especially when She knew Norman better than most. She then got closer and whispered in Norman's ear.

"Why do I believe you had something to do with Toomes 'Failed' project?" Emily couldn't see Norman expression, but she could feel something waver as his body went stiff. "If I find out whatever you did to turn Adrain Toomes into a 'Looney', I'm taking Harry and we're both leaving you. Understood, Osborn?"

Normen didn't let a whisper out. If you didn't hear him breathing, you wouldn't be able to tell he was alive.

"Understood." Norman finally said, without looking back.

"We will talk after this, Norman." Emily wanted to make sure their point got across, Norman however seemed to not have noticed, but more likely, not cared enough. "Norman. We will-"

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