Chapter 233

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"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

The sky reverberated with the deafening roar of a massive white dragon, measuring over thirty meters in length. Its body hovering in the air, as the holy lance Rhongomyniad transformed into a horn on its head, radiating a brilliant white light that illuminated the surrounding clouds.

On the ground, the beasts joined in the chorus of roars, unleashing their final counterattack of the Age of Gods.

Using all his strength, Shirou dispelled the black mud dome that had blanketed the sky, while also warding off the boulders tumbling down from the mountain.

Earlier, the shattered barrier had dealt a devastating blow, killing countless people. he didn't have time to mourn, and immediately used the mud to prevent more people from being crushed by the rocks.

As he painstakingly cleared the rocks one by one, his heart weighed heavy with the sight of the ruined wall, the beasts swarming the mountains, and the white dragon hovering above.

This was the enemy's last counterattack!

Shirou turned to look at the soldiers behind him, their bodies riddled with wounds or completely obliterated without a trace. A wave of sorrow and anger washed over him, but it soon crystallized into a numbing, silent grief.

Unsheathing his sword, Shirou roared, "The final battle is upon us! There's no room for weakness or mourning, for Cornwall stands behind us! Follow me and let's defeat our enemies! Charge!"


With that, the heroes of the Age of Gods sprang to their feet.

Despite shattered bones and rivers of blood, the heroes rose to their feet. Covered in scars, some even missing limbs, they gripped their weapons, tears mingling with blood. Driven by a volatile blend of sorrow and rage, they battled the beasts.

It wasn't hot-bloodedness that drove them, but a deep sadness. They couldn't forget the memories of their parents, wives waiting for their return, and hungry children - everything that would be destroyed if they failed.

Perhaps their children and future generations could have a peaceful and beautiful home, but the heroes knew it would have to be bought at the price of their own unending sorrow.

Shirou turned to the messenger and gave a swift order. "Hurry to Cornwall and bring all the reserve troops here!"

Tristan hesitated. "My king, if we do that, only ordinary civilians will be left to defend Cornwall."

Shirou's eyes blazed with determination. "If we fall here, Cornwall will be destroyed! We have to do everything in our power to win this battle."

He quickly gave orders to the messenger to return with all speed. He then turned to the other knights, instructing them to use the terrain as a shield to defend the remnants of their army.

Next, he sought out Merlin and urgently contacted Artoria and Scathach, requesting their swift return.

To the white dragon, Caerleon and Camelot had lost their meaning. It had decided to make a desperate gamble: if it could swallow Cornwall, then all of Britain would be defeated. But if Cornwall could withstand the attack, then the white dragon would be defeated!

Artoria and Scathach quickly returned to join the front-line battle, bolstering the heroes' spirits.

Shirou then contacted Gawain, Gaheris, and the others, urgently instructing them, "Attack and conquer Scotland at all costs!"

"But what about your side, my king?" Gawain asked, concerned.

"Don't worry about me. We're racing against time here. Attack quickly, no matter what!"

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