Chapter 315

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"Wait, Nrvnqsr Chaos?" Caules exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock. He turned to Arcueid, his voice filled with disbelief. "Miss Arcueid, are you sure about this? Could you be mistaken?"

Arcueid wore a serious expression as she replied, "You should find a place to hide, Caules."

Caules nodded, his fear evident, and hurriedly moved to take cover behind the nearby furniture.

Nrvnqsr Chaos... That name sent shivers down his spine. As the heir of the Forvedge family, Caules may have appeared careless and often immersed himself in manga and other trivial pursuits, but being the heir also meant he possessed some fundamental knowledge about the world of magecraft.

Nrvnqsr Chaos, the 10th ancestor of the Dead Apostle Ancestors!

Legend has it that Nrvnqsr Chaos hailed from the "Wandering Sea" branch of the Mage's Association. However, unlike the other True Ancestors, he took a different path, delving into forbidden research that led him to transform himself into a vampire and become a Dead Apostle.

His power is nothing short of extraordinary!

Despite the Church's relentless attempts to eradicate him, they have all proved futile.

He has gained a reputation as one of the most troublesome True Ancestors.

Caules couldn't help but wonder why Nrvnqsr Chaos had chosen to make his appearance here, in the heart of London. Out of all the places, why right in front of him? It felt like an incredibly unfortunate stroke of luck.

Fear and confusion swirled in Caules's mind, intensifying his trepidation.

"The True Ancestor is our target."

Nrvnqsr Chaos locked his gaze onto Arcueid, and from within him, an abyss of darkness surged forth. It swiftly materialized into a pack of ferocious and menacing black beasts, charging towards her with a terrifying ferocity.

Arcueid furrowed her brow, ready to take action, but Shirou quickly reached out and stopped her.

"Shirou?" Arcueid's surprise was evident in her voice.

"Let me handle this. If you intervene, it'll only lead to more destruction," He warned, his body emanating a foreboding dark aura.

Swirling black mud surged around him, morphing into a monstrous maw brimming with jagged teeth. There was a horrifying "crunch" as the gaping mouth devoured the encroaching black beasts. It reduced them to a gory mass of shredded remains before consuming them entirely with a satisfying "gulp."

"What... what kind of Mystic Code is that?"

Caules felt his scalp tingling at the sight.

Nrvnqsr Chaos's attacks were already terrifying enough, but the Mystic Code displayed by Shirou, no, Fujimaru-sama, was even more horrifying!

"Monster! Monster...!"

"Help... help!"

Ceramic plates crashed to the floor, their shattering noise echoing through the room. Chairs and stools were sent hurtling through the air, adding to the chaos unfolding before them.

It was as if they had walked into a nightmarish realm, straight out of a horror movie. Fear gripped the people, their instincts screaming at them to escape in sheer panic. But Nrvnqsr Chaos stood firmly at the entrance, blocking their path. Their only choice was to retreat, forced to backpedal relentlessly.

"What is this entity that bears semblance to my primordial sea...? What do you humans think you're doing?" Nrvnqsr Chaos asked.

"Something that will be your downfall," Shirou replied. Behind him, a surge of black mud gathered, forming a protective wall that shielded the onlookers from view. Suddenly, dozens of swords materialized through his Projection and soared towards Nrvnqsr Chaos.

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