Chapter 396

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Shirou cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention towards him, and suggested, "Why don't we continue this discussion inside?"

"But big brother, we still haven't found the real culprit who broke the wall!" Sakura said with a hint of displeasure.

"I know, Sakura, but we should avoid drawing attention from the neighbors."

The purple glow in her eyes softened, and she nodded, "You're right, I'll listen to you, big brother."

Ritsuka couldn't help but feel a nervous knot in her stomach as she observed her sister's gentle smile.

She suddenly realized that her big sister could be a little dangerous!

"Sis... Sis, can you... can you please let go of my hand first?" she asked, her voice tinged with unease.

"Huh?" Sakura lowered her head, still smiling, "Hmm, I didn't hear clearly just now. Could you say it again, Ritsuka?"

"N-no, it's nothing, sis," she quickly shook her head nervously, trying to brush off her previous statement.

Sakura's expression turned slightly suspicious, wondering why this child suddenly said something weird.

But for now, she didn't dwell too much on it. After all, there were more pressing matters, such as these vixens who always linger around her brother...

But that was nothing to worry about because, except for Arcueid, none of them could pose a real threat.

Her brother belonged to her, and that was an undeniable fact!

Yes, if she thought about it carefully, ever since those eight long years, everyone else had given up hope of her brother's return, except for her. She was the only one who had persistently searched for him, never giving up on the hope of his safe return.

The reason was simple, really. Her brother was Sakura's hero.

That special bond had been established from the moment she was five years old when he rescued her from the depths of that hellish pit.

In her eyes, Sakura was a princess, and her brother was a hero - a hero exclusively for her.

Ritsuka, who had been watching Sakura the whole time, felt her palms becoming clammy with nervousness.

So scary... big sis is so scary!

It wasn't until she turned five years old that Ritsuka came to realize that her usually gentle sister could also be such an intimidating and frightening person!

Inside the house, Shirou asked about Luvia's situation.

To his astonishment, he learned that last night, during his and Gil's intense battle on Mount Enzou, Luvia, Rin, and Illya had been there as well. However, neither his Noble Phantasm nor Gil's had detected their presence. It became evident that the two Noble Phantasms had somehow interfered with each other.

During the intense clash of his Holy Lance and Gil's Ea, a powerful storm swept Illya and the others away. Illya's usual magical energy proved insufficient to withstand the overwhelming collision of the two Noble Phantasms. Faced with extreme fear and desperation, Chloe was suddenly awakened.

Drawing upon the Grail Crystal that he had given her nine years ago, she activated the Grail to block the destructive force of the collision between the two Noble Phantasms.

Actually, Shirou could have easily relied on Avalon to defend against Ea and then used the Holy Lance to defeat Gil. But he felt it would be a bit too sneaky and underhanded to resort to such a tactic. Strangely enough, despite being someone who usually prioritizes efficiency, he found himself getting pumped up and thrilled when facing off against Gil.

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