Chapter 356

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She's always known.

She's always understood.

They didn't need the persona or someone called Gray.

All they needed was Gray's physical body.

For a thousand years, her clan has carried the sorrowful desire to complete the ritual and bring back the King of Knights, Artoria Pendragon.

This ritual demanded the merging of King Arthur's body, spirit, and soul. So her ancestors, using the King of Knights as a model, strived to create descendants to act as substitutes for the King's physical vessel.

However, in the end, she was the chosen one.

From the moment Gray was born, she possessed the potential to become the physical vessel of the King of Knights. But that didn't automatically guarantee her selection as the vessel. During her early years, she lived a normal and loving life with her parents.

Until nine years ago.

It happened on a particular day, around nine years ago, when Gray's muscles and bones started to undergo a sudden transformation. Not just her face, but her entire body gradually changed into an exact replica of the legendary King of Knights, Artoria Pendragon.

Ever since that day, the villagers, including her parents, have revered Gray as the divine child. However, Gray is aware that what they actually worship is the King of Knights who happens to look like her.

Because of her exceptional talent for communicating with spiritual entities, Gray was chosen by the gravekeeper, Bersac Blackmore, to become the next guardian of Blackmore Cemetery. She was entrusted with the Mystic Code known as Add.

Not only that, but even the fairies residing within the cemetery bestowed their blessings upon her.

To the villagers and her parents, all of these events were seen as the return of the King of Knights.

Everyone revered and feared her, keeping their distance. Former close friends became devoted followers, filled with awe and reverence, and even her parents were no exception.

"Gray" was rejected by everyone. What they truly desired and prayed for was the arrival of the King of Knights, Artoria Pendragon.

And then, that woman arrived.

After over 1,500 years, that woman finally came to the village.

It's quite unbelievable, given that she's just a human, but that woman managed to traverse the long centuries and finally appeared before Gray.

"From now on, you... are my sister."

Extending her hand, the woman delicately lifted Gray's chin. Her crimson eyes, reminiscent of a scarlet moon, met Gray's gaze as she uttered those words.

Following that encounter, the woman made herself at home in the Blackmore Cemetery.

Everyone worshipped and dreaded her, which led to everyone keeping their distance, despite her being just six years old back then.

But there was one woman who approached her, offering solace and showering her with affection like an older sister.

Maybe it was due to this that she subconsciously started seeing that woman as her true sister.

However, deep down, she knew that the woman's gaze and affection were actually meant for someone else.

She was merely a stand-in, a replacement for another person.

And eventually, she knew her body would be claimed by that person.

She couldn't harbor any resentment because fulfilling the clan's ancient thousand-year-old wish meant bringing that person back to life, and the teachings she received glorified the resurrection of that person.

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