Chapter 378

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Opening the passage to the Mirror World is not difficult. Apart from Sakura's Imaginary Number, it can also be simulated by magic circles.

For the magi of the Age of Gods, simulating an imaginary passage is even easier.

The young Shirou used the second Noble Phantasm, switched to Merlin's records, and easily opened the passage to the Mirror World.

Once inside the Mirror World, he saw Medusa about to unleash her Noble Phantasm, so without hesitation, he drew and unleashed Rhongomyniad, striking towards Medusa.

The Holy Lance Rhongomyniad he unleashed in his hand was much more powerful than when it was released by Gray.

Not only did Rhongomyniad destroy Medusa's Noble Phantasm, but it also directly obliterated her Class Card.

And when the two girls attempted to create a teleportation circle to escape, Shirou didn't waste a moment. He immediately blasted them away without saying a word.

"It's our enemy! The arch-nemesis of magical girls!" Ritsuka shouted.

Hearing this, he landed on the ground, and his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Shirou scanned the area, his eyes briefly pausing on Illya, who was clad in sapphire outfit, before moving on.

He didn't see Rin or Luvia.

Obviously, this matter has nothing to do with them.

At this point in time, Luvia had recently experienced the events at Adra Castle and had not yet gone to the Clock Tower for further studies, nor become Zelretch's disciple alongside Rin, which ultimately led to the start of the "Magical Girl ☆ Illya" timeline.

So, does this mean that the two Kaleidosticks, Ruby and Sapphire, came here on their own?

Ritsuka got back on her feet, her face smudged with dust from the impact of Rhongomyniad's beam. Annoyed, she glared at young Shirou, questioning him, "Who are you? Why are you attacking us? Are you our enemy?"

She tightly clenched Ruby in her hand, pointing it at young Shirou, fully prepared for a battle.

"Really... Can't you recognize me? Heh, I guess it can't be helped. But Ritsuka, just know that I am super, super, super angry right now!"

He covered his forehead with his hand, his bright eyes staring at Ritsuka through his fingers.

Those eyes, once bright and refreshing, now appeared icy and terrifying.

In a panic, Ruby trembled and warned, "Ritsuka, run! That guy, he's not someone we can defeat!"

Sapphire asked curiously, "Sister, you've been panicking for a while now. Do you know him? Who is he?"

"That... that is... the absolute enemy of magical girls!" Ruby replied frantically.

"I am a magical girl representing love and justice, and I will never lose to anyone!" Ritsuka declared confidently.

"Wait... wait a minute! Hold on, Ritsuka?!"

But Ritsuka paid no attention to Ruby's voice. She shouted, waved Ruby, and launched a pink magical energy cannonball directly at young Shirou.

Shirou: "..."

As Ritsuka observed the soft magical energy cannonball flying through the air, a black hand suddenly emerged from behind young Shirou.

With a sharp "crack" sound, he crushed the magical energy cannonball into mere particles of light.

"Eh?" Ritsuka was taken aback, and she glanced down at Ruby, puzzled. "Ruby, why did you restrict the magical energy?"

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